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  1. 量子科技发展具有重大科学意义和战略价值,是一项对传统技术体系产生冲击、进行重构的重大颠覆性技术创新,将引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革方向。

    The development of quantum science and technology is of great scientific significance and strategic value . It is a major disruptive technological .

  2. 加快发展量子科技,对促进高质量发展、保障国家安全具有非常重要的作用。

    It plays a very important role to accelerate the development of quantum science and technology in promoting high-quality development and safeguarding national security .

  3. 要系统总结我国量子科技发展的成功经验,借鉴国外的有益做法,深入分析研判量子科技发展大势,找准我国量子科技发展的切入点和突破口。

    It is imperative and judge the development trend , and find out the breakthrough point for the development of quantum science and technology in China .