
  • 网络dimensional analysis;Dimensional analysis methods
  1. 量纲分析法在土工模型试验中的应用

    The Application of Dimensional Analysis in Model Experiment of Geotechnical Engineering

  2. 基于量纲分析法求抽油泵柱塞的下行阻力

    Solve the downgoing resistance of pump plunger based on dimensional analysis

  3. 量纲分析法在滑动轴承相似设计中的研究

    Research of Dimensional Analysis in Similarity Design of Journal Bearing

  4. 基于试验&量纲分析法的气缸爬行判定式研究

    Stick - slip Criterion of Cylinder Based on Experiment and Dimensional Analysis

  5. 量纲分析法及其在原子物理学中的应用

    Analyzed Method of Dimension and Its Application in Atomic Physics

  6. 金属切削加工中切削温度计算的量纲分析法

    The Method of Dimensional Analysis of Calculation of Cutting Temperature in Metal Cutting

  7. 利用量纲分析法进行物理问题的定性推理

    Using Dimensional Analysis of Qualitative Reasoning on Physical Problems

  8. 基于量纲分析法的武器效能分析

    Weapon efficiency analysis based on dimensional analysis method

  9. 量纲分析法在缓冲气囊动态特性研究中的应用

    Study on the Dynamic Properties of Damping Airbag with the Aid of Dimensional Analyses

  10. 探析量纲分析法及其应用

    Discussion about Dimension Analysis and its Application

  11. 分别利用量纲分析法和集总参数法建立了等温容器数学模型并进行仿真与实验对比。

    Two mathematics models were established based on the lumped parameter and the dimension analysis theory separately .

  12. 对于复杂的过程和物理现象,量纲分析法是一种十分有效的建立物理现象基本关系的方法。

    Dimension analysis method is effective in setting up basic relationship of complicated process and physical phenomenon .

  13. 通过量纲分析法,构造了和现有模型不同的一种颗粒尾涡增强气体湍流的新模型,即。

    A new turbulence enhancement model by the particle wake effect is proposed according to the dimension analysis ( ) .

  14. 另外,根据相似原理和量纲分析法推导出钢结构梁柱节点模型试验的相似条件。

    And we additionally deduced the similarity condition of steel beam-to-column connections according to the principle of similarity and dimensional analysis .

  15. 采用非量纲分析法,验证了统一模型的误差仅依赖于阻尼系数。

    It is demonstrated that the errors of the unified valve model are dependent on the damping coefficient alone using a non-dimensional approach .

  16. 可以通过量纲分析法来推知某些物理规律,为科学地组织实验过程、整理实验成果提供理论指导。

    We can deduce some physical laws through dimension analysis , which may provide theoretical instructions on scientifically organizing experimental processes and integrating experimental results .

  17. 采用量纲分析法对鼓包高度的影响因素进行分析,并建立了理论模型。

    The influence factors of gun tube 's inner bulge are analyzed with the aid of dimensional analysis , by which a theoretical model is built .

  18. 提出的所谓质流相似法,不同于传质相似理论中方程分析法和量纲分析法。

    The similarity method of mass flow , as it is called in this paper , is different from the methods of equational analysis and the dimensional analysis .

  19. 从搅拌过程的微分方程出发,应用相似理论和量纲分析法,通过模型试验,提出了将连续式搅拌过程模型化的方法。

    Based on differential equation of constructional materials mixing process , similar theory , dimensional analysis and model experiment , this paper introduces modelling method of continuous mixing process .

  20. 应用量纲分析法可以解出现有许多能化为贝塞尔函数的方程,得到与常用分离变量法完全相同的结果。

    Dimensional method can be applied to solve those equations convertible into Bessel equation , the results obtained are identical with those solved by the commonly used separate variable method .

  21. 根据量纲分析法,从选出的17个变量中导出了表征球磨过程的14个相似准数。

    According to the dimensional analysis method , 14 resemble dimensionless number allowing from 17 variable quantities which is selected to superficial characteristics the processes of the ball-mill are derived .

  22. 运用量纲分析法建立模型并进行实验设计,根据实验结果推导了管道内涂树脂涂层后流体摩阻经验表达式。

    Modeling and experimental design by using of dimensional analysis , this paper theoretical derived the empirical expression of skin friction of pipeline inner coated with resin coating according to experiment results .

  23. 首次采用量纲分析法(π定理),在确定城市道路汽车(含其他机动车)尾气污染物扩散影响因素的基础上,求导并建立了尾气扩散箱型模式的普遍式。

    Based on the factors that affect the diffusion of vehicle exhaust gas for urban road , the general equation of diffusion box model of vehicle exhaust gas is established by analyzing dimensions .

  24. 本文采用量纲分析法,将低气压环境中影响热舒适的主要因素无因次化,并结合本文的实验数据,建立了无症状反应高度内低气压环境中人体热感觉预测模型。

    In this paper , the main influencing factors are changed to dimensionless parameters by dimensional analysis method . Combining with the experimental data , predictive model of thermal sensation within asymptomatic altitude reaction is founded .

  25. 本文通过量纲分析法得到了喷嘴雾化平均索特直径与上述因素间的无量纲关系,采用最小二乘法求得关系式中的各未知参数。

    The dimension analysis methods were adopted to establish the dimensionless relations between droplet Sauter diameter of nozzle and the factors above . The unknown parameters of the relationship function were solved by the least squares .

  26. 结果表明:实验法求解鼓式制动器的对流换热系数是可行的,运用量纲分析法和相似理论指导实验,能够有效简化实验程序,减少实验工作量。

    It shows that solving heat convection coefficient with experiments is feasible and the dimension analysis and similarity theory can simplify the procedure and reduce the workload obviously . 1 tab , 2 figs , 8 refs .

  27. 研究结果表明,利用量纲分析法仿真复杂的膜分离过程是简便有效的,基于仿真模型无因交次群的组合设计相应的实验可使控制模型达到较高的预测精度。

    It was shown that the dimension analysis was an effective method in simulating the complex membrane coupling process , and the control model which came from non-dimensional group data of experiments , was a high-accuracy model in predictive analysis .

  28. 以岳阳洞庭湖大桥模型为例介绍了桥梁结构实验模型的静力和动力模型的相似理论,并用方程分析法和量纲矩阵分析法推论了相似判据以及模态参数的相似比。

    The dynamic similarity principle of the model of Yueyang Dongting Lake Bridge is analyzed by similarity theory , and similarity ratio of modal parameters is got by modal analysis theory .

  29. 在相似理论指导下的模型研究方法的程序是用方程分析或量纲(因次)分析法导出相似准数,通过实验求出相似准数之间的关系式。

    The procedure of the model research method guided by similarity principle is to derive similarity criterion by equation analyzing or dimension analyzing and to derive relational expressions of similarity criterion by experiment .

  30. 针对民防工程抗力加固问题,采用量纲分析和微分方程法推导和分析钢筋混凝土板柱体系模型动力试验的相似比并建立试验模型。

    With respect to the reinforcement of civil defense works , the dimensional analysis method and the differential equation method are employed to derive and analyze the similitude scales for the setup and dynamic test of a reinforced concrete slab-column system model .