
  1. 格拉斯哥大学的一个物理学家团队设计了一个系统,一串纠缠光子从一个量子光源发出,穿过“非常规物体”。

    The team of physicists from the University of Glasgow devised a system that fired a stream of entangled photons from a quantum source of light at " non-conventional " objects .

  2. 微结构调制使得光学超晶格材料在量子光源研制等方面展示出很多新异功能,其内在的功能集成更是契合了当代实用化量子信息处理的要求。

    Via micro-structure modulation , OSLs exhibit multiple novel functions in the engineering of quantum light sources . The inherent integration function of OSL materials fit the requirements of the practical applications in quantum information processing .

  3. 量子关联光源不仅是研究量子力学基本定律的重要资源,也是实现量子信息处理和精密测量的必要工具。

    Quantum correlated photon pair sources are not only the important resources for fundamental test of quantum mechanics , but also crucial for quantum information processing and quantum metrology .

  4. 设计基于Ⅱ型非共线参量下转换纠缠光源的量子成像实验平台,包括量子纠缠光源的制备、数据采集系统以及量子成像架构。

    The quantum imaging experiment based on type ⅱ non collinear parametric down conversion is designed , including the preparation of quantum entanglement resource , data acquisition system and the configuration of quantum imaging .

  5. 通过研究工作,已经得出制备单光子源和单量子点激光器的理论方案,这为进一步实验制备量子光源提供了有力的理论指导。

    After this stage research work , Schemes for achieving single photon source and single quantum dot laser have theoretically proposed . These results pave the road towards further experiments preparation .