
  • 网络Dimensional formula
  1. 论述了量纲式配合普遍形式的物理方程在辨识物理量之间关系时的作用。

    The function of the dimensional equation in identifying the relationship between physical quantities is also mentioned .

  2. 计算结果表明,本文所得无量纲关系式的计算结果与模拟值基本吻合,最大误差为12%。

    The simulation results show the result of the Non-dimensional relationship has a good consistency with numerical simulation result , and the max. relative error is 12 % .

  3. 通过对各季节无量纲准则式的分析,讨论了地下建筑在通风时壁面和空气之间热湿耦合对流传递过程中对流换热和对流传质的影响关系。

    During convection heat and mass coupled transfer occurs on surface of wall in different season , the relation between convection heat transfer and convection mass transfer is discussed through analyzing the no dimension empirical formula .

  4. 作者着重分析了核态沸腾传热区及飞溅降膜区的换热原理,根据试验数据回归整理了相应的换热系数无量纲准则关系式,与试验数据吻合较好;

    This paper puts the emphasis on the analysis of the heat transfer mechanism in the nucleate boiling and the drop splashing film region , with a further presentation of corresponding empirical dimensionless correlation of the heat transfer coefficients , obtained by regression of experimental data .

  5. 在此基础上,利用相似性理论和无量纲分析,获得了运动状态下液体轴对称抛撒首次破碎点与对称轴之间的距离与相关参数的无量纲关系式。

    With the similarity theory and dimensionless analysis method , the relation and corresponding dimensionless relation of the distance between the point of primary breakup and the axis are given .