
  1. 北京市农户贷款调查

    Beijing farmers ' Loaning Survey

  2. 关于辽宁省林权抵押贷款的调查报告

    Survey on Forestry Property Rights Mortgage Loan in Liaoning

  3. 大学生助学贷款的调查分析与措施

    Investigation and Measures on the College Student Loan

  4. 对国家助学贷款的调查报告

    The Investigation Report on State Student Subsidy

  5. 在美国和加拿大对原产于中国的产品的反补贴调查中,均有一半以上的案件涉及对中国政策性银行和国有商业银行向特定企业发放优惠贷款的调查。

    More than half of the anti-subsidy investigations conducted both by United States and Canada involve the investigation of loans provided by Chinese policy banks and state-owned commercial banks .

  6. 美国司法部(DoJ)和美国住宅与城市发展部(DepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment)努力为悬而未决的抵押贷款不当销售调查划上句号,增加了一些新条款,旨在把援助引导至较困难的地区,服务于社区再发展。

    The Department of Justice and Department of Housing and Urban Development are adding provisions aimed at directing aid to distressed areas and community redevelopment efforts as they resolve outstanding investigations into mortgage sale abuses .

  7. 四川省林业世行贷款项目的调查研究

    Investigation on Sichuan Province Forestry Project Loaded by the World Bank

  8. 争取列入第三批日本海外经济协力基金贷款项目的调查,以及一期工程设计与施工的进行;

    Investigation on striving for being listed to the 3rd batch Japanese Oversea Economic Joint Funds Loaned Items and carrying out of design and construction of the 1st phase project .

  9. 我算上了奖学金、贷款,详细调查了各种付款方案、避税方法和我的现有储蓄,最后,我发现这回教育负担还是高得惊人。

    After scholarships , loans and acquiring every piece of possible information about payment options , tax breaks and savings , I finally grasped the enormousness of my total educational burden .

  10. 美国注册会计师协会研究所最近最近针对学生贷款借款人进行了调查。

    The American Institute of CPAs recently took a survey of student loan borrowers ,

  11. 白宫发言人罗伯特·吉布斯表示,几个机构正在对银行处理不良贷款的方式展开调查。

    White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says several agencies are looking into the way banks have been processing bad loans .

  12. 针对各国央行贷款负责人的调查显示,在这个层面上,信贷危机没有再进一步加剧。

    Surveys of lending officers by central banks show that on this level , the credit crunch is no longer intensifying .

  13. 政府降低了利率,增加了投资者可获得的贷款,并承诺调查任何涉嫌操纵市场的人。

    It has cut interest rates , made more loans available to buyers of stocks and promised to investigate anyone involved in market manipulation .

  14. 墨西哥方面,一家石油服务公司因从花旗集团的子公司墨西哥国家银行非法获得4亿美元的贷款而正在接受调查。

    In Mexican , an oil service company is under investigation for obtaining more than 400 million dollars in illegal loans from Citigroup subsidiary , Banamex .

  15. 但符合以下条件之一的贷款可以不评估,只要提供贷款调查报告即可。

    But any loans in accordance with any of the following conditions may not be appraised as long as a loan survey report is provided .

  16. 它要求银行留置部分风险,而贷款接受者必须通过限制评级机构的作用,对贷款进行尽职调查。

    It requires lenders to retain some risk , while recipients must do due diligence on loans by limiting the role of rating agencies .

  17. 农村信用社农户贷款的实证分析与农户金融需求的满足&对安徽省农村信用社农户贷款的调查及其思考

    Positive Analysis on Farmer Loan of Rural Credit Cooperative and Satisfaction of Financial Demands of Farmer