
  • 网络loan card
  1. 从信贷公司的贷款卡可以用来买东西,几乎任何地方。

    Credit cards from credit companies can be used to buy things almost anywhere .

  2. 她一直都很缺钱学生贷款信用卡债务

    She struggled with money for whole live.Student loans , credit card debt ...

  3. 为避免每月支付帐单的麻烦,我开立自动转帐缴款帐户以支付助学贷款与卡费。

    To avoid the hassle of paying monthly bills , I set up automatic payment of my school loan and credit card .

  4. 高盛能源经济学家戴维格瑞利(DavidGreely)表示,上次油价在2007年底逼近100美元时,美国及其它富裕国家的消费者使用房屋净值贷款和信用卡支付汽油费用,淡化了油价上涨的影响。

    When oil prices last surged to $ 100 a barrel in late 2007 , US and other rich-country consumers blunted the impact by drawing on home-equity loans and credit cards to finance petrol purchases , says David Greely , energy economist at Goldman Sachs .

  5. bhatia是一位典型的印度新生中产阶级,寻求专业人士的帮助,以筛选近年来涌现的大量共同基金、保险计划、抵押贷款、信用卡、储蓄计划和银行贷款等信息。

    In seeking help to sift through the vast number of mutual funds , insurance plans , mortgages , credit cards , savings schemes and bank loans that have emerged in recent years , Mr Bhatia is typical of the burgeoning Indian middle class .

  6. 租赁,抵押贷款和信用卡,是所有类型的贷款。

    Leases , mortgages , and credit cards are all types of loans .

  7. 缴税后,你的下一笔最大支出该是偿还抵押贷款和信用卡贷款了。

    After taxes , your next largest expense is usually your mortgage and credit card debt .

  8. 大多数资产担保证券,都是通过抵押贷款、信用卡贷款和汽车贷款产生的收入获利的。

    Most asset-backed securities are secured by income generated from mortgages , credit card loans and auto loans .

  9. 这是可能帮助你批准贷款或者信用卡好证明。

    This is a good reference that may help you get your loan or credit card application approved .

  10. 同时,消费者仍然需要透支、抵押贷款、信用卡和储蓄。

    Meanwhile , customers still need overdrafts , mortgages , credit cards and somewhere to deposit their savings .

  11. 临朐中行个人贷款和银行卡业务管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Personal Loans and Bank Card Business Management System for Linqu Bank of China

  12. 抵押贷款、信用卡余额和学生贷款等消费者贷款仍会被打包成证券。

    Consumer debts such as mortgages , credit-card balances and student loans will still be packaged into securities .

  13. 另一个错误是可以信用有直接影响的是你的抵押贷款过度信用卡。

    Another credit mistake that can have a direct impact on your mortgage loan is the overuse of credit cards .

  14. 美联储目前将接受(例如)由学生贷款、信用卡债务和汽车贷款作为抵押的最高评级证券。

    It will now accept top-rated securities backed for instance by student loans , credit card debt and car loans .

  15. 他们可以查看是否有因个人信息被盗用而产生的冒名贷款或信用卡的使用。

    They can see if any loans or credit cards have been opened in their name with stolen personal information .

  16. 每公升无铅汽油的价钱都超过了£1,与此同时,抵押贷款与信用卡年费也在上涨。

    Petrol prices exceed £ 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising .

  17. 汇丰力求提升其在该地区的税前利润,这些利润主要来自贸易融资、住房抵押贷款、信用卡和财富管理。

    HSBC aims to raise its pre-tax profit from the region , mainly from trade finance , home mortgages , credit card and wealth management .

  18. 银行或其它金融机构为了获得补偿,不得不对他们的产品增加费用或利息,例如抵押品、贷款及信用卡。

    Banks and other financial institutions have to compensate for this by increasing fees and rates on products such as mortgages , loans and credit cards .

  19. 如果把机构担保的债券排除在外,银行2006年发行了大约1.8万亿美元由抵押贷款、信用卡和其它债务支持的证券。

    If you exclude Agency - backed bonds , in 2006 banks issued about $ 1800bn of securities backed by mortgages , credit cards and other debts .

  20. 然而,紧缩感仍弥漫在零售业务中,预计优先和次级抵押贷款及信用卡业务的亏损将上升。

    Crunch time , however , persists in the retail business , with expected losses increasing for prime and subprime mortgages as well as for credit cards .

  21. 类似的研究层出不穷,从发薪日贷款到信用卡再到退休金融产品,它们的结论都是:财务知识匮乏让美国人多花了数十亿美元。

    The list goes on , from payday loans to credit cards to retirement products : Americans spend billions more because of their lack of financial knowledge .

  22. 这份调查问卷涵盖助学贷款和信用卡债务,还有一些问题旨在测试受试人的自尊心和对过去生活的掌控感。

    The questions covered student loans and credit card debt , as well as some designed to measure the respondents self-esteem and sense of control over their lives .

  23. 短短几年后,他们便已经负债累累&许多人背着几千美元的学生贷款和信用卡消费账单。

    A few years later , they 've got a load of debt & many of them with thousands of dollars in student loans and credit card bills .

  24. 你为银行工作。缴税后,你的下一笔最大支出该是偿还抵押贷款和信用卡贷款了。计算普通(无担保)贷款的偿还利息

    " You work for the bank . After taxes , your next largest expense is usually your mortgage and credit card debt . " Returns the Straight-loan Payment Interest

  25. 通用一半的利润来自旗下的金融分公司-通用资本,该公司有一项诱人的业务-向美国消费者发行抵押贷款和信用卡。

    Half its profit came from its finance arm , GE Capital , which among other things had a lucrative business issuing mortgages and credit cards to American consumers .

  26. 一些债务负担过于沉重的借款人去年曾获准与银行重新商谈债务安排,但随着他们再次无力偿还贷款,信用卡和现金卡贷款的销账率正处于令人担心的高位。

    Write-off ratios for credit card and cash card loans are at worryingly high levels as some of the overstretched borrowers who were allowed to renegotiate their debt last year are again defaulting .

  27. 如今,银行纷纷狂抛售贷款、信用卡,可是往往它们的意图是围绕着极其高的利息,或不合理收费及偿还日程表。

    Banks are going crazy these days to give out loans and credit cards , but often their motives are centered around extremely high interest rates , or unreasonable fees and repayment schedules .

  28. 金融公司第二季度业绩显示,由于汽油价格不断飙升、经济日渐放缓及房价下降的影响,面向优质客户的抵押贷款和信用卡业务的亏损不断上升。

    Second quarter results from financial companies showed rising losses on mortgages and credit cards issued to prime customers as soaring gas prices , the slowing economy and depressed house values took their toll .

  29. 从汽车贷款到信用卡和房屋净值信用额度,所有信贷状况都明显收紧,占美国经济72%的消费正在萎缩。

    Consumers , who account for 72 per cent of the US economy , are pulling back amid a brutal tightening of credit conditions on everything from car loans to credit cards and home equity lines .

  30. 在她为你的职业发展做出迁就之后,如果你仍从你的股票投资组合、她的学生贷款和信用卡账单这样的角度来看待问题,那么你们可能很难实现和谐的婚姻关系。

    If you still think about such things in terms of my stock portfolio and her student loan and credit card bills , even after her relenting for your career ambitions , matrimonial harmony will not be forthcoming .