
gēn dān
  • documentary
跟单[gēn dān]
  1. 论国际贸易中跟单信用证风险及对策

    Discussion on Risk and Countermeasure of Documentary Credit in International Trade

  2. 贵公司应凭敝公司的跟单汇票于见票时付款。

    You should make payment against our documentary draft upon presentation .

  3. 跟单信用证明确地规定单据寄送给开证行A银行的代理人B银行。

    The documentary credit specifically states that documents are to be sent to Bank B as agent of the issuing bank , Bank A.

  4. 用ISO9000强化纺织企业的跟单管理

    Strengthening management of follow-up documents in the textile enterprises with ISO9000

  5. 其它一些公司也在这么做:最出名的戴尔(Dell)跟单定制电脑,还有Land'sEnd让客户定购量身定做的斜纹棉布裤;

    A few others carried on : most famously Dell with its built-to-order computers , but also Land 's End , which lets customers order tailored chinos ;

  6. 《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP500)没有对欺诈问题作出规定。

    The fraud rule does not appear in UCP500 , which is definitely regrettable .

  7. 新的《跟单信用证统一惯例》&UCP600已经问世,这次修订较之UCP500有大幅改动。

    The new UCP600 has been published , it has great modification compared with UCP500 .

  8. 主要实现客户基本信息维护、跟单记录、客户转移、系统公海、客户统计、客户类型、客户预约、最近联系等功能;(2)办公OA。

    The main basic customer information maintenance , documentary records , customer transfer system , customer statistics , high seas , type of customer , customer reservation , recently linked functions ;( 2 ) OA .

  9. 备用信用证业已由《跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)》(1983年版,第400号出版物)来调整。

    Standby credits are already governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ( UCP )( 1983 Revision NO.400 ) .

  10. 跟单目标优化问题有唯一的最优解不同,多目标优化问题的最优解是一组折中解,通常称为Pareto最优解集。

    Different from the single objective optimization problems which have the only optimum solution , the optimum solutions of multi-objective optimization problems are a group of trade-off solutions , namely Pareto optimum solutions set .

  11. 熟悉PMC跟单员、物控、采购、仓库的工作流程与工作职掌,有两年多PMC的相关工作的工作经验。

    Genchanyuan familiar with the PMC , in control , procurement , storage workflow with the charge was , the PMC more than two years of relevant work experience .

  12. 最简单的光-原子系统,即J-C模型,描述的是量子化的电磁场跟单个二能级原子之间的相互作用。

    The simplest light-atom system is the Jaynes-Cummings model , which describes the coherent interaction of a quantized electromagnetic field with a single two-level atom .

  13. 尽管各国的法律制度存在差别,但跟单信用证统一惯例UCP500得到了国际银行界的广泛认可和应用,也受到了司法尊重。

    Although the legal system of different countries varies , UCP500 is generally accepted and applied by international banks , and respected by Judiciary .

  14. 今年1月1日始,国际商会新的跟单信用证惯例《UCP500》已正式生效。

    The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ," UCP500 " which the ICC has adopted came into effect on January 1 this year .

  15. 2006年10月国际商会会议正式通过《跟单信用证统一惯例》UCP600,并从2007年7月1日起正式生效。

    In October 2006 , the meeting of International Chamber of Commerce formally adopted the Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credit UCP600 , and came into effect from July 1 , 2007 .

  16. 长期以来,世界许多国家将信用证作为一种重要的国际贸易支付方式,跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)明确了信用证相关当事人的权利、义务和责任,也被广泛接受适用。

    Many countries have used letter of credit as an important international methods of payments for a long time , and Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ( UCP ) defined the rights , obligations and responsibilities among credit-related parties which has been widely accepted to apply .

  17. 但国际商会2007年开始实施的《跟单信用证统一惯例》(下称《UCP600》)相比《UCP500》而言,并没有增加对信用证软条款的规定。

    But compared to the " UCP500 ", the " Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits " ( hereinafter referred to as " UCP600 ") taken effect by the International Chamber of Commerce in 2007 , not added the provisions for soft clause yet .

  18. 可以和外国客户跟单,提供良好的服务。

    Can and foreign customers with orders , provide good services .

  19. 另一种方法是通过开立“跟单信用证”。

    Another method is through the opening of a Documentary Credit .

  20. 但是,跟单人才的培养滞后于市场的需求。

    But current merchandiser training fell behind the demand further .

  21. (跟单信用证)统一惯例与事物〔

    UCP [ Uniform Customs and Practice ( for Documentary Credit ) ]

  22. 出口者通过托收行利用跟单汇票取得货款。

    Exporters use a collecting bank to obtaining payment by documentary bills .

  23. 跟单汇票对出口商来说更为保险。

    A documentary draft offers greater security to the exporter .

  24. 对于你这笔订货,我们将开出付款跟单汇票向您索款。

    We will draw d / p against your purchase .

  25. 请告诉我,跟单信用状和不跟单信用状之间的差别。

    Tell me the difference between documentary and clean credits , please ?

  26. 头脑清晰,能胜任不同订单的跟单。

    Clear mind , can follow different order on the same time .

  27. 论跟单信用证的法律性质

    Legal Analysis on the Character of the Documentary Credits

  28. 跟单信用证下银行审单的法律问题研究

    Researchs of Relevant Legal Problems on Bank Examining under Documentary Letter of Credit

  29. 跟单托收业务领域的认识误区与融资可行性研究

    Incorrect understand in documentary collection and financing feasibility research

  30. 备用证与跟单信用证的比较

    A Comparison of Standbys and Documentary Letters of Credit