
ɡēn dān tuō shōu
  • documentary collection
  1. 那么您知道跟单托收涉及到哪几方当事人吗?

    Then do you know how many parties are related to a documentary collection ?

  2. 付款交单和承兑交单是跟单托收的两种形式。

    D / P and D / A are the two forms of documentary collection .

  3. 跟单托收业务领域的认识误区与融资可行性研究

    Incorrect understand in documentary collection and financing feasibility research

  4. 我们将汇票交银行按跟单托收。

    We 're sending our draft through Bank of China for documentary collection .

  5. 我想能否用跟单托收方式支付这次订单?

    I wonder if we can make payment of this order by documentary collection .

  6. 那么在什么情况下选用跟单托收而不选用跟单信用证呢?

    So in what condition is the documentary collection an alternative to the documentary letter of credit ?

  7. 依据是否附有商业单据,托收可以分为光票托收和跟单托收。

    Based on whether commercial documents are involved , collection can be classified as clean collection and documentary collection .

  8. 跟单托收根据交单条件不同,又可划分为付款交单和承兑交单。

    Further , documentary collection can be classified as delivery of documents against payment or delivery of documents against acceptance .

  9. 我认为,银行办理跟单托收时在买卖双方之间起着代理和中介的作用。

    I think , when handling the documentary collection , the bank acts as agent and intermediary between the seller and the buyer .

  10. 但是一些国内银行在处理跟单托收业务时存在着认识上的误区,造成了业务上的纠纷,产生了一定的风险隐患,不利于国内银行业外汇业务的发展。

    But incorrect understand is existed when some domestic bank transact Documentary Collection , which result in the entanglement and risk in operation .

  11. 随着我国外向型经济的深入发展,跟单托收业务日益扩大。市郊无规划地向外扩展以为新近富起来的人提供住房。

    Portfolio of Documentary Collection get rapid improvement along with further expand in national extroverted economy . Suburbs sprawled out to provide homes for the newly prosperous .

  12. 我认为跟单托收就是由银行代卖方凭单据向买方收取应收的款项。

    I think a documentary collection is the collection of a sum due from a buyer by a bank acting on behalf of a seller against delivery of certain documents .

  13. 目前我国外贸企业在出口业务中主要使用三种结算方式国际汇款、跟单托收和跟单信用证。

    Nowadays our foreign trade companies mainly use three kinds of accounting methods in the export trade : international remittance , documentary bill for collection and documentary letter of credit .

  14. “即使接到特别指示,银行没有义务对与跟单托收有关的货物采取任何行动,包括对货物进行存储和保险。”

    " Banks have no obligation to take any action in respect of the goods to which a documentary collection relates , including storage and insurance of the goods even when specific instructions are given to do so . "

  15. 跟单托收中的远期付款交单和承兑交单都是远期付款的托收方式,本文对这两种托收方式进行比较,有利于进出口双方对其的正确选择和使用。

    This article makes a comparison between D / P after sight and D / A , both of which are collection with documentary bill after sight , to facilitate exporter and importer to choose the right mode of paying .

  16. 跟单汇票托收委托书代理委托收款委托书

    Advice for collection of documentary bill