
kāi zhènɡ shēn qǐnɡ rén
  • Applicant;opener;accountee;applicant for a credit;accredited buyer
  1. 银行向开证申请人征询是否放弃不符点,然后通知B银行接受或是拒绝不符点。

    Bank A will then inform Bank B of acceptance or rejection of the discrepancies after seeking a waiver from the applicant .

  2. 根据开证申请人的声明,有起投保。

    Insurance will be covered by the applicants according to their statement .

  3. 请联系开证申请人要求其立即付款并通知我行。

    Please contact the applicant for their immediate payment under advice to us .

  4. 当存在信用证欺诈时,法院可能会引入欺诈例外,来保护开证申请人的权益。

    When facing fraud , courts usually use fraud-exception to protect the applier .

  5. 开证申请人承担其有关开立或修改信用证的指示不明确所导致的风险。

    The applicant bears the risk of any ambiguity in its instructions to issue or amend a credit .

  6. 可用第一受益人的名称替换原证中的开证申请人名称。

    The name of the first beneficiary may be substituted for that of the applicant in the credit .

  7. 信用证业务中开证申请人面临着来自开证行和受益人的风险。

    In the letter of credit the applicant faced with the risks which came from the issuing bank and the beneficiary .

  8. 开证申请人是指向银行申请开立信用证的人,即进口方。

    Applicant is the party who applies for the opening of a letter of credit , that is , the importer .

  9. 卖方有关另外用特快邮寄壹套单据给开证申请人的证明书及邮寄底单。

    In addition , the Sellers shall , within three days after shipment , send by express airmail one extra sets of .

  10. 鉴于此,保兑行可以通过行使代位权向开证申请人请求付款以维护自己的合法权益。

    Then , the confirming bank can protect its legal rights through execution of the subrogation right to claim payment from the applicant of credit .

  11. 受益人证明声明所有适合于本信用证的相关船务单证已经传真一份给开证申请人,签字并注明日期。

    Beneficiary signed and dated statement certifying that duplicatecopies of all the documents pertaining to shipment against this letter of credit were faxed to applicant .

  12. 应受益人要求,我行授权贵行凭开证申请人按(金额)付款而向其放单。

    At the request of the beneficiary , we authorize you to release the documents to the applicant against payment of ( amount ) only .

  13. 全套清洁已装船的海运提单、空白抬头、空白背书,注明“运费预付”,通知开证申请人。

    Full sets of clean on Board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked " Freight Prepaid ", notify applicant .

  14. 请注意如果我行必须联系开证申请人以使其宽容提交单据中的不符点,那么50美元(等值)费用将从支付金额中扣除。

    Please note that a fee of USD50 or the equivalent will be deducted from the amount paid , if we have to contact applicant in order to waive discrepancies in the presented documents .

  15. 开证行意指应申请人要求或代表其自身开立信用证的银行。

    Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its own behalf .

  16. 开证行应劝阻申请人将基础合同、形式发票或其它类似文件的副本作为信用证整体组成部分的作法。

    B.An issuing bank should discourage any attempt by the applicant to include , as an integral part of the credit , copies of the underlying contract , proforma invoice and the like .

  17. 第二个部分主要探讨开证行和开证申请人之间的法律关系的性质。

    The second part is on the nature of the legal relationship .

  18. 信用证开证行与开证申请人法律关系研究

    Study of the Legal Relationship between the Letter of Credit Issuing Bank and Letter of Credit Applicant

  19. 信用证软条款是单方面被开证行或者开证申请人控制,使受益人处于不利地位难以取得应有货款的条款。

    The soft clauses are unilaterally under control of the applicant or the issuing bank , so that the beneficiaries would be at a disadvantage place . Accordingly there is no guarantee for the beneficiary to submit documents to the bank in order to receive the payment .

  20. 开证行将具有全套进口的单据信托给开证申请人不会脱手,担保法上的要求和信托法上约定并不构成冲突。

    Issuing bank trusts all the importing documents to proposer will not result in out of hand of issuing bank , and regulations in trust law do not conflict with guarantee law .