
  • 网络open learning
  1. 开放式学习环境初探

    A study on open learning environments

  2. 在践行开放式学习环境理念的过程中,方法问题是必须予以把握的一项根本性内容。

    In implementing an open learning environment , the most important problem for consideration is the methods used to achieve openness .

  3. 大学物理实验开放式学习系统开发&基于EXCEL的实现

    Development of an open study system of college physics experiments based on Excel

  4. 在课件开发中应用动态交互技术,不仅可丰富课件对Web页面的表现能力,同时亦使学生进行基于资源的学习、情景式的学习和开放式学习成为可能。

    The use of dynamic interactivity technologies in the courseware developing not only enriches the performing ability of Web pages , but also makes it possible for students to study based on resources , scenes and open environment .

  5. 远程学习是一种特殊的开放式学习,在这种学习形式下,指导教师和学习者相隔遥远。有时也称为“函授教育”或者“函授课程”。

    The concept of distance learning is not a new one .

  6. 虚拟学习社区充分地利用了现代网络技术这个工具,打破了时空的界限,将开放式学习具体化。

    The virtual study community makes full use of modern Internet , breaks the limit of time and space , and makes the opening study reification .

  7. 研究性学习是一种问题解决学习,是一种跨学科的综合实践活动,是一种基于学习资源的开放式学习。

    Study based learning is a kind of problem solving learning , a kind of comprehensive interdisciplinary activity and a kind of learning resource based open learning .

  8. 传统的教学没有办法满足开放式学习和终身学习的需求,为了适应时代的要求,传统的学习方式必须从根本上进行变革。

    Traditional teaching is no way to satisfy the open-learning and lifelong learning requirements , in order to meet the requirements of the times , the traditional way of learning must change radically .

  9. 将课程建设与现代学习方式联系起来,采用多种教学方式相结合,充分调动学生学习积极性,为学生营造一个内容丰富、形式多样、轻松愉悦的开放式学习环境。

    The basic conception is combining the course construction with modern learning method and adopting various teaching method with a view to initiate fully students ' enthusiasm . It needs to build an open and relaxed learning environment for students with rich content and different forms .

  10. 结合SNS的功能特点与协作学习的优势,设计出基于SNS的开放式协作学习模式,并完成平台的安装搭建。

    Combine with the advantages of SNS and collaboration learning , design open SNS-based collaboration learning model , and complete the installation of platform structures .

  11. 导学模式是在充分的师生互动的条件下,教师通过对学生的辅导使学生学会整合学习资源,以任务研究为组织形式的一种开放式的学习模式。

    In this model , the teacher provides students guidance and help while they synthesize course resources available to them in the process of fulfilling research tasks assigned by the teacher .

  12. 作为双主体教学中相当重要的一部分,双主体网络教学支撑平台为学生提供一个开放式的学习环境,为教师提供一个网络化的教学平台。

    As a quite important part of the dual subject instruction , the platform of the dual subject for network education , not only provides students an open learning environment , but also provides teachers a network teaching platform .

  13. 本课题将虚拟现实技术与多媒体技术有机的结合起来,在现有的硬件和软件基础上开发了材料加工虚拟实验室软件系统,为学生提供了一个人机交互、界面友好、开放式的学习环境。

    Combining techniques of virtual reality with multimedia , this paper researched virtual laboratory software system of materials processing engineering on basis of existing software and hardware . And this system provided a opening surrounding of person-computer alternation , friendly interface .

  14. 企业开放式创新中知识学习的机理与绩效研究

    Research on Mechanism and Performance of Knowledge Learning in Enterprise Open Innovation

  15. 基于开放式创新的技术学习动态协同模式研究

    The Dynamic Synergy of Technological Learning under Open Innovation

  16. 本文通过实验证明,在任务型语言教学的框架内,双向任务较单向任务、封闭式任务较开放式任务能够给学习者提供更多进行意义协商的机会。

    English teachers may choose the types of tasks in their teaching , which provide more opportunities for their students to negotiate meaning with each other .

  17. 学校在互动.开放式数学综合性学习教学模式的课题实施过程中,以培训为依托,夯实课题研究的底子;

    In operating the " interactive and open " maths teaching mode , relying on " training ", we laid a good foundation for " the research topic ";

  18. 要增强理论学习的吸引力,就学习的组织方式来说,必须提高开放度,增加互动性,变封闭式学习为开放式学习。

    In order to strengthen the appeal of theory-study , we should improve the degree of opening , increase the interdynamic level , make closed study into open study .

  19. 远程开放教育的顺利实施需要获得充分的学习支持,而开放式学习有赖于在线学习支持服务水平的提高。

    Meanwhile , with the development of open and distance education in the RTVU system , online learning support systems have also made great progress .

  20. 开放式实验教学模式:创新教学的融合与突破基于开放式创新的技术学习动态协同模式研究

    The research and practice of open and innovative experimental teaching model The Dynamic Synergy of Technological Learning under Open Innovation