
  • 网络School of chemical engineering;Chemical Engineering;College of Chemical Engineering
  1. 北京联合大学化工学院校园绿化设计

    The Environmental Planning of Chemical Engineering College of Beijing Union University

  2. 山东大学化学化工学院;

    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Shandong University ;

  3. 《吉林化工学院学报》的文摘与标引工作

    Abstracts and Indexes in Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical , Technology

  4. 沈阳化工学院学报2006年总目次


  5. 研究所;石油大学(北京)化工学院;

    Feng Shubo ; et al Chemical Design Research Institute of Hebei ;

  6. 北京石油化工学院材料与化工系;

    School of Materials and Chemical Engineering , Beijing Institute of Petro-chemical Technology ;

  7. 粉煤灰处理北京石油化工学院生活污水的研究

    Study of Treating Sewage of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology by Fly Ash

  8. 沈阳化工学院综合信息管理系统

    The Comprehensive MIS of Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology

  9. 北京石油化工学院校园网主干网设计

    Design of Main Network in Campus Network For Beijing Institute of Petro-chemical Technology

  10. 沈阳化工学院图书馆新馆网络系统建设研究

    Research About New Library Network System Construction of Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology

  11. 生物柴油,化废为宝&访中国石油大学化工学院教授冀星

    Bio diesel Oil Turn Waste into Wealth

  12. 吉林化工学院工程教育专业认证工作的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of the engineering education professional certification in Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

  13. 广西大学化学化工学院人才培养模式的改革

    The Reform of Talents Cultivation Mode in College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Guangxi University

  14. 简介了螺杆挤出法生产再生胶的工艺原理、再生过程,以及由美国再生胶公司和沈阳化工学院开发的螺杆挤出机的结构特点和设计参数。

    The reclaiming mechanism and the technological process of extruder reclaiming process for producing reclaimed rubber were reviewed .

  15. 湖南师范大学化学化工学院精细催化合成研究所;

    Institute of Fine Catalysis and Synthesis , College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Hunan Normal University ;

  16. 作为应用实例,介绍了沈阳化工学院校园网络规划和建设情况。

    At last , the campus network layout and construction of shenyang institute of chemical technology are introduced .

  17. 校园网络体系结构的优化和网络管理&江苏石油化工学院校园网络的升级改造

    Advanced Campus Network System Construction and Network Management & Campus network of Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology Upgrade and Alteration

  18. 四川大学化学学院;湘潭大学化学化工学院;电子科技大学光电信息学院。

    Department of Chemistry , Sichuan University ; Department of Chemistry , Xiangtan University ; University of Electronic Science and Technology of China .

  19. 本文介绍了北京化工学院仿真中心开发研制的石油化工仿真培训系统的硬件和软件。

    In this paper , the hardware and software of training simulator , which developed by Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology , is described .

  20. 该课程最早设置于1975年,其前身为河北化工学院的工业分析。

    The predecessor of this course is the analysis of the industry in Hebei Institute of Chemical Technology , which was set up in1975 .

  21. 根据沈阳化工学院新校区总体建设的规划,图书馆正在兴建之中。

    According to the planning of overall construction of new campus of Shenyang institute of chemical technology , the library is in course of building .

  22. 烟台大学应用化学系;吉林化工学院药化系;延边大学化学系。

    Department of Applied Chemsitry , Yantai University ; Department of Medical Chemistry , Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology ; Department of Chemistry , Yanbian University .

  23. 西南师范大学化学化工学院;遵义医学院基础化学教研室;宜宾学院化学化工系。

    Chongqing Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry , Southwest Normal University ; Department of Basic Chemistry , Zunyi Medical College ; Department of Chemistry , Yibin College .

  24. 我们采用随机抽样法,对青岛化工学院校园英语电台进行了调查。

    This article focuses on the analysis of a random survey which is based on The Voice of Campus ( VOC ) of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology .

  25. 中国研究高分子聚合物领域的团队特别多,他们的工作也非常出色,所以聚合物在中国得到了很大的重视,回到化工学院的感觉非常好。

    So the number of polymer groups here universities is very large , all of their work is excellent , so yes , absolutely , coming back is very nice .

  26. 介绍了厦门大学化学化工学院在深化实验教学改革,建设现代化的国家级实验教学示范中心方面的一些做法。

    This paper introduced the reform of experimental teaching the school of chemistry and chemical engineering , Xiamen University did to establish a national modern chemical experimental teaching demonstration centre .

  27. 为了克服分别开设四大化学(无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和物理化学)实验的一些弊端,合肥工业大学化工学院尝试将它们合并后独立开设一门新课程《基础化学实验》。

    A new curriculum " Fundamental Chemical Experiment " was tested to set up instead of the experimental curriculums for Four Chemistry ( inorganic , organic , analytical and physical chemistry ) set up separately .

  28. 本人论文工作是在化工学院研制的酶膜耦合连续反应器小试装置的基础上,实现了该酶膜耦合连续反应器关键参数的自动测量、显示与控制。

    On the base of the testing setting - the continuous enzymatic membrane reactor which is developed by chemical institute , the text realizes to measure , display and control automatically to continuous production of CPPs .

  29. 对武汉化工学院综合楼的设计思想进行了简要介绍,阐述建筑设计从总体到细部的设计理念,并对建筑各部分的设计意图进行了理性说明。

    Through the brief introduction of the design of Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology , this article illustrates the design idea with the course from collectivity to detail and logically explains the design intentions of the every parts in architecture .

  30. 我选取了湖南师范大学化学化工学院2000级化学专业的五个本科生作为研究对象,研究时间从2003年4月到2004年5月初,这个时期正是他们教学技能形成的关键时期。

    The research objects were five college students majoring in chemistry , grading four from college of chemistry and chemical engineering in Hunan Normal University . The research had been carried out from April 2003 to May 2004 . This is the main time for their teaching skill forming .