
  • 网络chemical fiber carpet;synthetic fiber carpet;P.P
  1. 此外,某些化纤地毯、油漆涂料也含有一定量的甲醛。

    In addition , some synthetic fiber carpet , paint coatings also contain a certain amount of formaldehyde .

  2. 摩擦纺开发抗静电化纤地毯纱的研究

    A Study on Antistatic Carpet Yarn of Friction Spinning

  3. 含有甲醛成分并有可能向外界散发的其他各类装饰材料,比如贴墙布、贴墙纸、化纤地毯、泡沫塑料、油漆和涂料等。

    Other decoration materials having formaldehyde and possible to emit , including wallpaper , carpet , foam , paint and dope etc ;

  4. 影响污染物浓度的主要因素为竣工时间、油漆、涂料、复合地板、化纤地毯、人造板用品、增白剂。结论办公室装修对室内空气造成了污染。

    Conclusion Office decoration caused pollution in indoor air and the concentration of indoor air pollutants mainly correlated with completed time , coating material , paints , fiber carpet , artificial board , compound floor , whitening agent .