
  1. 南阳石蜡精细化工厂动力站的B3-3.43/0.981型背压式汽轮机,先后出现了轴承振动,推力盘、轴径刮伤等故障。

    B3-3.43/0.981 type back-pressure steam turbine in the power station of Nanyang Factory of Paraffin Fine Chemical has troubles of bearing vibration , thrust disc and journal scratch .

  2. 石油化工企业消防站设置的有关问题浅析

    Discussion about Relation Problems of Fire Stations Setting in Petrochemical Enterprises

  3. 化工厂冷冻站的优化设计与经济运行之探讨

    Discussion about the Optimal Design of Chemical Plant ′ s Refrigerating Station

  4. 浅谈石油化工企业环境监测站设计

    Brief Introduction of Environmental Monitoring Station Design for Petrochemical Enterprise

  5. 石油化工企业和储运站等存在着大量地面管道,这些管道不断的将油、气等介质输送到各自目的地。

    There are massive ground pipes in petrochemical enterprises and storage stations , these pipelines transported oil , gas , and other media to their destination constantly .

  6. 适用于钻井平台、海上石油平台、炼油厂、化工厂、油站油库、遂道、船舶等易燃易爆场所及造船等行业使用;

    For drilling platforms , offshore oil platforms , refineries , chemical plants , gas stations oil tanks , tunnel , ship and other inflammable and explosive places and shipbuilding industries use ;

  7. 某化工企业光敏剂生产基地尽管建造了化工废水处理站,但始终未能成功启动和运行。

    A treatment site is built by some chemical plant to try to treat photosensitize wastewater , but it has not been startup and run successfully by far .