
  • 网络chemical pretreatment
  1. 桉木CTMP化学预处理废液显色特征及脱色

    Color Characteristics and Discoloring of the Effluent from Chemical Pretreatment of Eucalyptus CTMP

  2. 本文研究了挤压疏解、化学预处理、H2O2和NaOH用量等对粉单竹CTMPH2O2漂白的影响。

    Effect of squeezing extrusion , chemical pretreatment , the charge of H_2O_2 and NaOH on H_2O_2 bleaching of white powdery bamboo CTMP were studied in this paper .

  3. 使用NaOH对玉米秸秆化学预处理,其添加比例分别是玉米秸秆干物质质量的4%、6%、8%和10%;

    NaOH amount added was 4 % 、 6 % 、 8 % and 10 % of dry matter of corn stalk .

  4. 本论文研究了桉木CTMP化学预处理废液的微电解脱色处理效果,并探讨了影响处理效果的几个因素。

    Decolorization treatment of eucalyptus CTMP chemical pretreatment effluent with micro-electrolysis method was studied in the paper , and factors influencing the treatment effect were discussed .

  5. P-RCAPMP(PreconditioningRefiningChemicalAPMP),即盘磨化学预处理碱性过氧化氢机械磨木浆,具有工艺灵活、药品消耗低、浆料的光学性能好、得率高、污染小等优点。

    P - RC APMP ( preconditioning refining chemical alkaline hydrogen peroxide mechanical pulp ) enjoys the following advantages : technological flexibility , lower chemical consumption , better physical optical properties , higher yield and lower pollution .

  6. 论文在全面综述物理和化学预处理技术的基础上,提出将铁碳微电解技术与Fenton试剂氧化技术联合用于高浓度难降解化工废水的预处理。

    Based on pHysical and chemical pretreatment , this thesis considers that the iron carbon micro-electrolysis technology and Fenton reagent oxidation technique are effectually combination ; it can easily be used for pretreatment for high concentration chemical wastewater .

  7. 3-硝基丙酸化学预处理对大鼠离体心脏缺血-再灌注损伤的影响

    Chemical preconditioning with 3-nitropropionic acid reduces myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats

  8. 铼-锇同位素分析中试样化学预处理方法进展

    Progress in Chemical Separation and Purification for Re and Os Isotopic Analyses

  9. 温度和化学预处理对玉米秸厌氧消化产气量的影响

    Effect of temperature and chemical pretreatment on anaerobic biogasification of corn stalk

  10. 木质纤维素生物质制取燃料乙醇的化学预处理技术

    Chemical Pretreatment Technology of Lignocellulose Biomass for Fuel Ethanol

  11. 铸铁涂漆前的无污染不变色化学预处理

    Pollution free chemical pretreatment for cast iron before painting

  12. 化学预处理对稻草超微结构的作用效果

    Effects of pretreatments on ultra-structure of rice straw

  13. 物理化学预处理与膜分离技术的应用

    Utilization of the Physico-Chemical Treatment and Membrane Separating Technique of Waste Water and Its Prospect

  14. 化学预处理对牧草酶解糖化发酵效果的影响

    Effect of Chemical Pretreatment on Enzymatic Saccharification and Fermentation of Four kinds of Forage to Ethanol

  15. 为了实现玉米秸秆的高效能源化转化,提出了通过生物与化学预处理提高厌氧消化效率和生物气产量的新方法。

    To improve biogas production of corn stalk , biological and chemical pretreatment methods were suggested .

  16. 本课题对相对低支的羊毛纱线进行了化学预处理-机械拉伸-湿热定形加工,得到了相对高支的羊毛纱线。

    The relative lower count wool yarns were processed by the chemical pretreatment-mechanical stretching and heat setting .

  17. 通过优化实验,确定了化学预处理的工艺流程、磷化液组成及工艺条件。

    Experiments were made to determine about technological process of chemical pretreatment , phosphatization liquid and technical condition .

  18. 本文设计了以萃取、吸附、氨吹脱为主的物理化学预处理方法,然后再以生化法处理的工艺流程。

    Based on analyzing physicochemical property of wastewater , a method which combine physicochemical and micro-biological methods is chosen .

  19. 按其原理来分,预处理方法可分为物理预处理法、化学预处理法以及中间层法。

    The methods could be divided into physical pretreatment methods , chemical pretreatment methods and interlayers method according to their principles .

  20. 结合国标中煤样的化学预处理方法和仪器分析方法,提出了一种新的测定煤中全硫含量的方法。

    A new method of total sulfur in coal was successfully developed based on the combination of chemical pre-treatment of samples with ICP-AES .

  21. 总结了含砷难浸金矿的化学预处理技术、电化学预处理技术和微波预处理技术的研究现状,指出了这些技术的应用前景和发展趋势。

    In this paper , three pretreatment processes of roasting , oxidation with high pressure and bio-oxidation on arsenic-bearing refractory gold ore are summarized .

  22. 苎麻纤维质生长规律及酶解糖化研究化学预处理对牧草酶解糖化发酵效果的影响

    Study on Growth Procedure and Enzymatic Saccharification of Boehmeria Nivea Biomass ; Effect of Chemical Pretreatment on Enzymatic Saccharification and Fermentation of Four kinds of Forage to Ethanol

  23. 然后利用一株耐盐的细菌对化学预处理后的废水进行生物处理,将废水中有机污染物和无机微生物营养物转化为稳定、无害的物质。

    Then use a salt-tolerant bacterium on the chemical pretreatment of wastewater after biological treatment of organic pollutants in wastewater and inorganic nutrients into microbial stability , harmless substances .

  24. 制药废水经化学预处理后,其原水中所含苯、乙苯、间二硝基苯、对硝基氯苯、间硝基氯苯、苯酚6种有机污染物去除率均接近100%。

    Pharmaceutical wastewater by chemical pretreatment , the original water , benzene , ethylbenzene , m-nitrobenzene , nitro-chlorobenzene , m-nitro-chlorobenzene , phenol , organic pollutant removal rate of 6 close to 100 % .

  25. 为开发低特羊毛纱线,在分析羊毛纱线拉伸抽细机理的基础上,确立了采用化学预处理、机械拉伸和热化定形的羊毛纱线加工新工艺;

    In order to get low-tex wool yarn , a new process of chemical pretreatment , mechanical stretching and heat setting is presented on the basis of analysing the feasibility of thin-stretching of wool yarn .

  26. 采用常规检测手段&气相色谱分离、保留时间定性、内标法定量对经溶剂萃取后的制药废水样品及经化学预处理后水样中挥发性有机污染物进行检测分析。

    Use conventional detection methods-gas chromatography , retention time qualitative in the quantitative effect on the solvent extraction of pharmaceutical wastewater by chemical pretreatment of samples and water samples to detect volatile organic compounds analysis .

  27. 结果表明:采用气相色谱法共检测出制药废水样品中含9种有机污染物及其含量;并对经化学预处理后水样中9种污染物的含量进行检测。

    The results indicated that : by gas chromatography were detected in samples of pharmaceutical wastewater containing organic pollutants and their content 9 ; and water samples by chemical pretreatment of 9 detected levels of contaminants .

  28. 载体表面的预处理对沸石膜的合成有很大的影响,本文采用不同浓度的氢氟酸和氢氧化钠对不同类型的硅铝陶瓷载体进行化学预处理。

    Influence of the pretreatment in surfaces of supports on synthesis of zeolite beta membranes is enormous . The hydrofluoric acid and sodium hydroxide with different concentrations are used to treat various silicon-aluminum ceramic supports chemically in this paper .

  29. 试验采用化学预处理和物理分散结合的方法制备得到纳米纤维素,并通过透射电镜,探针扫描电镜,X-衍射,热重分析仪等手段对其形貌、结晶结构和热稳定性能做了评价。

    Nanocelluloses were prepared with chemical and physical method . Also the morphology , crystal structure , and thermal stability of the nanocelluloses were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy , scanning probe electron microscope , X-diffraction , and thermo gravimetric analyzer .

  30. 本文研究了甲醛在桉木高得率制浆中的作用,研究发现,对桉木木片进行碱性亚硫酸钠化学预处理时,添加甲醛有一定效果,而且甲醛加入的次序不同所得结果也不同。

    The effects of formaldehyde in high yield eucalyptus pulping are studied . It is found that formaldehyde give good effect in treating eucalyptus chips with alkaline sodium sulfite , and the result is different according to different adding order of formaldehyde .