
  • 网络humic substance
  1. SOM的主体是腐殖质,腐殖质包括腐殖物质(HS)和非腐殖物质。

    SOM the main humus , humus , including humic substances ( HS ) and non-humic substances .

  2. 西北黄土地区土壤腐殖物质的研究

    Studies on humic substances of soils in loess area of Northwest China

  3. 土壤胡敏素又是土壤腐殖物质中的重要组成部分,且在任何pH条件的水溶液中都是不溶的。

    Humin is a fraction of soil humic matter that can not be extracted either with alkali or with acid .

  4. 降低了土壤中可提取腐殖物质中HA的比例(PQ),土壤的腐殖化度下降,有利于HA的分解与转化和FA的积累;

    HA proportion in the extracted humus ( PQ ) and degree of humification of soil was dropped . Elevated CO_2 concentration was beneficial to the decomposition and transformation of HA and the accumulation of FA ;

  5. 土壤胡敏素(HM)是与矿物质紧密结合的腐殖物质,具有碱不溶性及大分子结构的特性,并呈现不均一性,被认为是土壤中的惰性物质。

    Humic substance ( HS ) can be divided into humic acid ( HA ), fulvic acid ( FA ) and humin ( HM ) according to solubility in alkali or acid solution . HM is a fraction tightly combined with soil minerals and hardly extracted .

  6. 土壤胶散复合体组成及其腐殖物质特征的研究

    Composition and Humus Characteristics in Organo - Mineral Complex of Soil

  7. 结果表明,腐殖物质为低粘度类型的聚电解质,它们是非球形胶体。

    Results obtained indicated that they are all non - spherical colloid .

  8. 农药与土壤腐殖物质的结合残留及其环境意义

    The association of pesticide residues with soil humus and its environmental significance

  9. 粪肥腐解过程不同溶性腐殖物质结合态铜锌的动态变化

    Dynamics of Humus Complexed Copper and Zinc during Manure Composting

  10. 腐殖物质影响植物发育的机制

    Mechanism of Humis Substances Effect On Plant Growth

  11. 落叶松人工林土壤腐殖物质组分及其对酸度的影响

    Component of Soil Humic Substances in Larch Plantations and Its Effects on Soil Acidity

  12. 不同氧气浓度对玉米秸秆分解期间腐殖物质形成的影响

    Effects of Different Oxygen Concentrations on Formation of Humic Substances During Corn Stalk Decomposition

  13. 显然,腐殖物质的环境行为都与其结构密切相关。

    Obviously , the environmental behaviour of humic substances is interrelated closely with their structures .

  14. 杨树刺槐混交林下沙质土壤腐殖物质特性

    Humic substances characteristics of the mixed plantation of poplar and black locust in sandy soil

  15. 堆肥处理对污泥腐殖物质形态及其重金属分配的影响

    Component changes of humic substances and heavy metal distribution before and after sewage sludge composting

  16. 黄土区土壤腐殖物质的化学性质及其与成土条件的关系

    The chemical properties of humic substances of soils in loessial area in relation to soil formation conditions

  17. 土壤腐殖物质一直是土壤学和环境学领域的研究热点。

    Soil organic matter ( SOM ) is always a research focus in the soil and environmental science .

  18. 大量的研究表明,腐殖物质对有机污染物的环境行为有重要的影响。

    Previous studies revealed that , humic substances play important roles in the environmental behaviour of organic contaminants .

  19. 分子荧光偏振技术及其在研究腐殖物质与污染物相互作用方面的研究进展

    Advances in Molecular Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy and its Applications to Study on the Interaction between Humic Substances and Pollutants

  20. 鸡粪腐解过程不同溶解性腐殖物质结合形态锌的动态不同施肥处理对黑土腐殖质组成的影响

    Dynamic changes of different soluble humus zinc in chicken manure Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Humus Composition of Black Soil

  21. 并利用多元回归方法对土壤溶解性重金属和自由态重金属与土壤性质间的关系进行研究,利用腐殖物质与重金属结合模型WinHumic对土壤溶液重金属形态进行预测,与测定结果进行了比较。

    And analyzed the relationship between the dissolved heavy metals concentrations and free heavy metals concentrations with the properties of soils by multiple regression .

  22. 生物质与异生物质的白腐菌降解研究鸡粪腐解过程不同溶解性腐殖物质结合形态锌的动态

    Studies on the biodegradation and bioconversion of feedstock and xenobiotics by white rot fungi Dynamic changes of different soluble humus zinc in chicken manure

  23. 有机物料对土壤有机结合态铜及有效性的影响粪肥腐解过程不同溶性腐殖物质结合态铜锌的动态变化

    Effects of Different Organic Matters on the Contain and Bioavailability of BO-Cu in Soil Dynamics of Humus Complexed Copper and Zinc during Manure Composting

  24. 通过腐解试验,对玉米秸秆腐解过程腐殖物质中胡敏酸与富里酸的比值(H/F)、胡敏酸的性质、组成变化进行了研究。

    The composition of humus substance , properties , structures and fractional composition of humic acid were discussed by using incubation experiment of corn straw .

  25. 腐殖物质是土壤有机质的主要部分,约占有机质总量的60%~80%,是土壤申所特有的一类有机物。

    Humic matter was the most important fractions among the SOM , which varied considerably in different soils , and ranged from 60 % ~ 80 % .

  26. 本文综述了运用荧光偏振技术在腐殖物质与污染物的相互作用领域的研究现状。

    This paper has reviewed some advances in molecular fluorescence polarization spectroscopy and its application to study on the field of interaction between humic substances and pollutants .

  27. 3)母质中接种真菌微生物(青霉、木霉、曲霉及其混合茵)培养,探讨微生物对土壤腐殖物质形成及性质的作用意义。

    3 ) cultivate the parent material inoculated fungus ( and their mixture ), discussed the function of the microbe to the formation and character of soil humus substance .

  28. 沉积物中的有机质主要成分是腐殖物质,而腐殖物质中分量最大且对固化效果影响很大的成分是腐殖酸。

    Through analyzing the organic matters in the sediments , people found that humic acid is the main component of the organic matters , which influences the solidification effect largely .

  29. 腐殖物质(主要组成为腐殖酸)是自然界中分布最为广泛的有机质,占土壤、水圈、生态系统中总有机质含量的50~80%。

    Humic substances , the most widespread organic compounds in nature , account for 50 ~ 80 percent of the total organic compounds in the soil , hydrosphere and ecosphere .

  30. 结果表明,红皮参根周皮层确实存在具有天然腐殖物质一般特性的有机化合物&类腐殖质物质。参根周皮层死亡组织的分解及其腐殖化是这类物质的重要来源之一。

    The results indicated that humic substances , which derived from the decomposition and humification of dead issues of the cortex around ginseng roots , were similar to natural humic substances in their characteristics .