
  • 网络CORROSIVE;Corrosive substances
  1. 该货物不属腐蚀品。

    The substance does not belong to corrosives .

  2. 经与皮肤及金属试验确认,无明显损伤,表明该货物不属于腐蚀品。

    The substance has no obvious harm to skin and metal , so it does not belong to Corrosives .

  3. 有机酸性腐蚀品生产危险性分析

    The Risk Analysis on the Production of Organic Acid Corrosive Substances

  4. 使用介质:酸、碱、盐等腐蚀品。

    Use medium : Corrosions and so on acid , alkali , salt .

  5. 腐蚀品着火时,可用水柱直接喷射扑救。

    When an erosive material catches fire , it should be put out with water cannon .

  6. 承蒙您的小心&易燃、易爆、腐蚀品及枪支、匕首等凶器请不要带入公园。

    Thank you for your caution & No inflammable , explosive , corrosive and lethal tool such as guns , dagger are allowed to bring into the park .

  7. 禁止携带易燃、易爆或带腐蚀性的危险品乘用电梯。

    Never carry dangerous materials that are flammable , explosive or corrosive into elevator .

  8. 介绍了其腐蚀的介质、类型,腐蚀品的分类,防腐容器和防腐运输的管理,并对防腐包装运输作了展望。

    An introduction is given on the corrosive medium , type , the corroded classification . the antiseptic container , management in antiseptic transportation , and some Suggestions on antiseptic package transportation .