
huà xué zhuó shānɡ
  • chemical burn
  1. 循环式扩张治疗食管化学灼伤后狭窄20例

    Cyclic dilatation in 20 patients with esophageal cicatricial stenosis from chemical burn

  2. 这是因为碱液在制造过程中会导致化学灼伤,甚至会使人失明。

    That 's because lye brought chemical burns or even made people blind in the making process .

  3. 重度化学灼伤后期治疗的临床探讨

    Clinical discussion on treatment of severe chemical burns in late stage

  4. 食管重建手术治疗食管化学灼伤

    Surgery of rebuilding oesophagus for the treatment of esophageal caustic burns

  5. 设计不同形状覆膜支架封堵食管-胃吻合瘘及食管化学灼伤后瘘

    Different Shapes of Recalled Covered Stent Block Gastroesophageal Anastomotic Fistula and Chemical Burned Fistula

  6. 那是因为制造过程中使用的碱液,会导致化学灼伤或使人失明。

    That 's because lye , which was used in the process , could cause chemical burns or even make people blind .

  7. 用颈肩预制皮瓣修复化学灼伤致颈胸疤痕挛缩11例分析

    Analysis on 11 cases of using prefabricated flap at neck and shoulder to repair cervical and chest scar contracture induced by chemical burns

  8. 方法本组共50例,其中外科手术后食管-胃吻合口瘘43例,食管化学灼伤后瘘7例。

    Methods There were 50 cases with variant esophageal fistula in this study , of them , 43 cases were gastroesophageal anastomosis fistula after surgical operation and 7 cases were esophageal fistula caused by chemical burned .

  9. 制药生产过程中存在火灾、爆炸、中毒、窒息、机械伤害、化学灼伤、环境污染等风险,尤其是生产过程中的变更往往带来新的安全风险。

    There exist many risks in the manufacturing process of pharmaceuticals , such as fire , explosion , poisoning , suffocation , mechanical injury , chemical burns , and environmental pollution . Especially , the changes during the manufacturing process often bring the new safety risk .

  10. 羊膜移植治疗眼部中度化学性灼伤

    The treatment of moderate chemical burns by amniotic membrane transplantation

  11. 儿童食管化学性灼伤致疤痕狭窄的介入治疗

    Interventional therapy of postburn oesophageal cicatricial stricture in childhood

  12. 目的探讨儿童食管化学性灼伤致疤痕狭窄的介入球囊扩张治疗的疗效。

    Objective To determine the efficacy of balloon dilatation in children with oesophageal cicatricial stricture ( OCS ) induced by chemical burns .

  13. 在这个版本的故事里,坏皇后的毒苹果造成白雪公主的脸被化学物质灼伤了。

    In this version of the fairytale the Evil Queen 's poisoned apple causes a nasty chemical burn to Snow White 's face 。

  14. 826例化学性皮肤灼伤临床探讨

    Clinical studies on 826 cases of chemical skin burns

  15. 结论无机酸是职业性化学性皮肤灼伤的主要致病化学物。

    Conclusion Inorganic acid was the main agents causing occupational chemical skin burns .

  16. 目的探讨化学性皮肤灼伤的临床特征及急救处理。

    Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and first-aid treatment of chemical skin burns .

  17. 重度化学性眼灼伤早期手术治疗的探讨化学性眼外伤的早期护理

    Exploration of early surgery for serious chemical eye burns The early nursing care to chemical eye injury

  18. 方法分析826例化学性皮肤灼伤的发病行业、致病化学物、诱发因素、诊断分级、几种化学物的特殊皮损形态及急救处理等临床资料。

    Methods Eight hundred and twenty-six cases of chemical skin burns were analyzed based on their clinical data , including occupation , causative chemical agents , inducing factors , diagnostic grade , features of skin lesion caused by several chemicals and their emergency treatment , etc.