
yīn jí qū
  • Cathode region;cathode space;negative polarity zone
阴极区[yīn jí qū]
  1. 而继电器分断电弧由于电压、电流比较小,燃弧时间不长,近阴极区效应显著,具有明显的从金属相电弧转变为气相电弧的现象。

    But , because of the low voltage and low current , the arc can not last long duration . It has remarkable nearing cathode space effect and the transformation from metallic phase to gaseous phase .

  2. 结果表明,NH2OH·H2O、蔗糖能有效地抑制电解过程中CuO的生成,但不能防止阴极区海绵状金属铜粉的生成;

    The results suggested that NH 2OH · H 2O and sucrose can inhibit the deposition of CuO , but can not inhibit the deposition of copper in the electrolysis process .

  3. 放电灯中近阴极区的场致效应

    The Field Effect Around the Cathode in the Arc Discharge Lamp

  4. 用发射光谱研究荧光灯阴极区中的钡浓度

    Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of Barium Density in Cathode Region of Fluorescent Lamp

  5. 氩辉光放电阴极区离子的能量和角分布

    Energy and angular distributions of ions in cathode fall of argon glow discharge

  6. 进入近阴极区的带电粒子是携带有能量的。

    The charged particle which enters the near cathode zone carries some energy .

  7. 阴极区热电子发射的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for thermal emission of cathode

  8. 电弧焊阴极区空间电场形成动画显示系统研究

    Research of animated drawing system about electromagnetic space of arc welding negative area taking shape

  9. 横向磁场对辉光等离子体阴极区电子输运过程的影响

    Influence of transverse field on electron transport parameters in the cathode region of a glow plasma

  10. 氩气直流辉光放电阴极区电子群的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation of an electron swarm within the cathode region of a glow discharge in argon

  11. 磁场对放电阴极区中电子能量及角分布的影响

    The Effect of a Magnetic Field on Energy and Angle Distribution of Electrons in a Discharge Cathode Region

  12. 采用一维非平衡等离子体模型讨论了阴极区的等离子体性质,阴极区被分为电离区和空间电荷区。

    The properties of the cathode fall region are discussed by applying one dimensional model of non equilibrium plasma region adjacent to an electric arc cathode .

  13. 而阴极区涂层性能和涂层下金属腐蚀反应信息被掩盖。但是通过检测电极表面的电流密度分布,能够监测涂层和涂层下的局部电化学过程。

    However , through detecting the current distribution information on the metal surface , the local electrochemical process occurring in the coatings and the underlying could be monitored .

  14. 本文运用改进的蒙特卡罗技术,研究了横向磁场对氦气直流辉光放电阴极区电子输运过程的影响。

    With improved Monte Carlo technique , the influence of a transverse field on the electron transport parameters in the cathode region of a DC glow discharge is studied .

  15. 实验结果表明:正极区几乎没有金属铜滴的存在,大量金属铜向阴极区富集迁移,最高富集率达到80%以上。

    The results showed that lots of copper drops concentrated on cathode but only minute quantity of copper drop on anode , and the maximum rate of concentration were above 80 % .

  16. 此外,除了空间电荷效应最严重的阴极区外,主透镜区和漂移区的空间电荷效应相对预聚焦区较为显著。

    Furthermore , apart from the cathode section where the space charge takes the most serious effect , the space charge effect is relatively more remarkable in drift section and main lens section than pre-focus section .

  17. 在诸如阴极区处理、边界的处理、空间电荷的计算、电子轨迹的计算和模拟过程的屏幕动态显示等方面均有创新之处。

    In the design the electronic gun with the large turnabout radius of Gyrotron exists many news , such calculating methods on the surface of the cathode ~ , calculation boundaries ~ space charge ~ electric trajectories ~ dynamic simulation and so on .

  18. 与低浓度的反应溶液相比不仅提高了阴极反应区电极电位,还能影响极板电极电位的高低。

    The lower concentration of reaction solution not only improves the electrode potential of negative reaction area but also affects the electrode potential of electrode .

  19. 当反应气体流量增加时,电子获得能量的机制由阴极暗区加速转变为等离子体内电场的加热效应;

    When gas flow rate increases to a certain value , the " Joule heating " mechanism by which electrons gain energy occures in the plasma bulk .

  20. 氢异常辉光放电阴极鞘层区中Hn~+的质谱分析

    Mass spectrum analyses of h_n ~ + in the cathode sheath of the pure h_2 abnormal glow discharges

  21. 目的探讨电泳法检测LD同工酶时位于LD5阴极侧异常区带(LD6)的电泳特性及其临床意义。

    Objective To probe into the electrophoretic characteristic and clinical significance of the abnormal bands of LD 5 appeared at the cathodic side in the examination of LD isoenzymes .

  22. 在阴极背面辉光区、阴极鞘层区、正柱区以及阳极辉光区中分别选择一点进行了转动分辨的发射光谱的测量。

    Cathode sheath ; positive column and anode glow region .

  23. 氮气辉光放电阴极鞘层区氮离子输运过程模拟研究

    Research on modeling transport processes of nitrogen ions in cathode sheath of a nitrogen glow discharge

  24. 因此本方法可直接对实用显象管推出阴极有效发射区中的电流密度分布。

    Then the cathode current density can be obtained from the processed emission current density distribution curve .

  25. 阴极三相反应区的增加和孔隙率的减少之间的相互竞争决定了最佳的浸渍量。

    The optimum amount of SDC is determined by the competition between the increase in three-phase boundary ( TPB ) and the decrease in porosity .

  26. 利用国内首台三级差分抽空的分子束质谱装置,对短间隙氮异常辉光放电阴极鞘层区正离子组分及能量分布进行了诊断研究。

    Ion species and their energy in the cathode sheath of N 2 abnormal glow discharges with short electrode interval were determined by molecular beam mass spectrometry ( MBMS ) .

  27. 结果表明,放电单元采用大电极间距可获得正柱区放电,正柱区的形成是正离子在阴极鞘层区不断积累将电位抬高所致。

    The results show that the long electrode gap leads to the positive column which is caused by the climbing voltage on the cathode surface due to the accumulation of positive ions .

  28. 由蒙特卡罗方法模拟离子在氩直流辉光放电阴极位降区的运动,包括了离子与中性原子的电荷交换碰撞和弹性散射,得到了离子轰击阴极的能量分布和入射角分布。

    A Monte Carlo simulation method that includes charge exchange and elastic scattering is used to calculate the energy and angular distribution of ions striking the cathode in a DC argon glow discharge .

  29. 在放电电流最大时刻,电子、离子密度及电场分布呈现出典型低气压辉光放电的特点,即存在明显的阴极位降区,负辉区,以及等离子体正柱区。

    When the current reaches the positive and negative maximums , the distributions of the electric field , electrons and ions density have the same properties as the typical low pressure glow discharge , obviously existing the cathode fall , the negative glow column and the positive column .

  30. 当外表面电位负于ET时,阴极电流流向闭塞区,缝内溶液的pH值增大到碱性,Cl-向外电迁移,腐蚀受到抑制。

    While below ET , the cathodic current flowed into OCC , the pH . value of occluded solution increased and Cl-migrated from OCC to the outside , thereby stifling the occluded cell corrosion .