
  1. 从本质上说,日本的核安全监管体系已经名存实亡。

    At its core , Japan 's nuclear safety regulatory regime was phoney .

  2. 核安全监管在保障核能安全利用方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Nuclear safety regulation has an important role in the protection of the safe utilization of nuclear energy .

  3. 环保部说,同时,负责核安全监管的政府部门应该更加独立、权威、有效地开展工作。

    ' At the same time , government departments in charge of nuclear-safety monitoring should work more independently , authoritatively and effectively , ' it said .

  4. 本文采用历史的、比较的方法系统分析了中外核安全监管体制,为我国的借鉴提供针对性和可行性。

    In this paper , the historical and comparison methods have been used to analyze the China and foreign nuclear safety regulation system , providing relevance and feasibility .

  5. 中国核安全监管部门紧锣密鼓地制定了一系列方案,指导核电站已运营项目开展应对大灾的压力测试。

    Beijing 's top nuclear power regulatory body quickly unveiled a series of guidelines advising nuclear power plants to take disaster stress tests on planned and existing projects .

  6. 我国核安全监管贯彻预防为主、安全第一的方针,建立了完备的核能安全监督管理体制,重视核安全领域国际合作。

    The nuclear safety regulation implements the policy of " Focus on Prevention , Safety First ", sets up complete nuclear safety regulation system and pays attention to the international cooperation in the field of nuclear safety .

  7. 江苏省核与辐射安全监管面临的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision in Jiangsu Province

  8. 全国核与辐射安全监管信息系统的研究和建议

    The Progress and Issues of National Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision and MIS

  9. 日本福岛核泄漏事故,加剧了民众对核能的恐慌,由此为警示,必须保障我国核能的安全利用,完善我国核安全监管体制迫在眉睫。

    The Fukushima accident in Japan has exacerbated the public panic on nuclear energy . It serves as a reminder that we must guarantee the safe utilization of nuclear energy in China .