
  • 网络DIQUAT;diquat dibromide;Reglone
  1. 结果表明:敌草快和肾上腺皮质激素对妊娠末期胎鼠动脉管具有收缩作用,且引起收缩的临界期均在胎龄19 ̄20d。

    The result showed that diquat and adrenocortical hormone affect ductus arteriosus of rat fetus and the critical contraction time is between 19 and 20 days .

  2. 二吡啶除草剂敌草快与肾上腺皮质激素引起胎鼠动脉管收缩的作用研究

    Toxic Effects of Bipyridine Herbicide Diquat and Adrenocortical Hormone on Ductus Arteriosus of Rat Fetus

  3. 农达药效反应较慢,因此建议在油菜正常成熟前10d使用。3生产中建议使用的催熟剂在本试验中,含敌草快的2个处理,对油菜产量影响较大。

    Roundup efficacy slower response , it is suggested to use 10 days before the normal mature . 3 Ripening agent of recommend on the production In this trial , the two treatments of Diquat that has a greater impact on the yield of rapeseed .

  4. 季铵盐除草剂百草枯和敌草快残留分析方法研究

    The Residue Analytical Methods for Quaternary Ammonium Herbicides Paraquat and Diquat

  5. 本文研究了敌草快和肾上腺皮质激素对胎鼠动脉管的收缩作用。

    The toxic effects of diquat and adrenocortical hormone on ductus arteriosus of rat fetus were studied in this paper .

  6. 最适合收获的时间只有几天,施用敌草快让植株干燥,能使收割易于进行。

    Only a few days are available for harvesting at the right time . Desiccation with diquat before harvest eases the work on direct combining .

  7. 研究敌草快所致的大鼠胎儿动脉管收缩与肾上腺皮质激素及其受体的关系。

    The present experiments were conducted to study the relationship of contraction of ductus arteriosus of fetuses induced by diquat with adrenocortical hormone and its receptor .