
dí tái
  • lookout tower;enemy broadcasting station
敌台 [dí tái]
  • (1) [enemy broadcasting station]∶敌方的电台

  • 破获敌台

  • (2) [lookout tower]∶在城墙或冲要处的建筑,用来防御或眺望敌人

敌台[dí tái]
  1. 再后来,越来越多的人可以随时浏览BBC和CNN,或者登录互联网,“敌台”于是彻底没落了。

    Later , more and more people can always visit BBC and CNN , or access to the Internet ," enemy units ," so completely downhill .

  2. 12、每隔200码左右就修建起一座高35至40英尺的敌台。

    12 . Every 200 yards or so , towers 35 to 40 feet high were built .

  3. 我们一直在监听敌台以设法查探敌人的计划。

    We have been monitoring the enemy 's radio broadcasts to try to find out their plans .

  4. 这处地点分布的17座古代敌台被中国文物局认证为文物保护单位。

    There are 17 ancient watchtowers which were recognized by China 's cultural authorities as cultural relics under protection .

  5. 如今,连“敌台”自己都觉得没了意思,就要散了。

    Today , even the " enemy units " did not feel the meaning of their own , we must scattered .

  6. 甚至就连收听“敌台”的“话匣子”也被大多数中国人压在了箱子底儿。

    Or even listen to " enemy units " and " Round Table " is also most Chinese pressure in the box Dier .

  7. 也许有人会为“敌台”的结局欢呼,认为这是西方敌对势力的重大失败;

    Maybe some people would be " enemy units ," hailed the outcome , that this is the great failure of Western hostile forces ;

  8. 这个道具的残存还留在长城的北京门头沟段,在“沿字三号敌台”附近。

    The remains of the prop set are still at the section of the Great Wall in Mentougou , Beijing , built near the No. 3 Watchtower .

  9. 白羊峪段长城集水关、城堡、城墙、敌台、烽火台、墙台、谎城等于一地。

    Bothriochloa Tongkuangyu catchment clearance above the Great Wall , castles , city walls , the enemy units , beacon towers , wall units , equivalent to a city lied to .