
  1. 到三岔路口时走中间的道。

    Where three roads diverge take the middle branch .

  2. 结果在C语言中,你们完全可以表示出环境的概念,一个分支,一个三岔路口。

    So it turns out in C , you can absolutely represent the idea of a condition , a branch , a fork in the road .

  3. 多节三岔挤扩灌注桩(DX桩)的推广应用及其前景

    Prospect and Application on DX pile

  4. 三岔管内水流流动的数值模拟与实验研究

    Numerical simulation and experimental study on water flow in Y-type tube

  5. 圆形截面三岔管内的流场分析

    Numerical analysis of fluid flow in fork tube with circle cross section

  6. 内加强月牙肋三岔管水力特性数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on hydrodynamic characteristics of bifurcation pipe with internal crescent rib

  7. 到三岔路口,你必须走左边那条路。

    At the fork you must take the left road .

  8. 空间异径三岔管的解析法展开

    Analytical Method for Lofting of Space Four-way Tube Joint

  9. 三岔序列功率谱的重正化群分析

    Analysis of renormalization-group for power spectrum of trifurcation sequence

  10. 在三岔路口我们互相告别了。

    At the parting of the ways we took leave of each other .

  11. 三岔管水流数值模拟研究

    The 3-D numerical simulation on bifurcated pipe flow

  12. 三岔共轭体系中的结构效应

    The Structural Effect in Forked Conjugative Systems

  13. 三岔厅建置保留,撤州判署,设警察分厅。

    Office of build Sancha reservations , withdrawal state Department contractor , based Police at the Office .

  14. 中国改革走到三岔路口

    China Reform in the Crossroad

  15. 徘徊在三岔路口:两代农民工发展意愿的比较研究

    Wandering at Crossroad : A Comparative Study on Development Will of Two Generations of Migrant Rural Workers

  16. 本文以西秦岭地区三岔&四店一带的白垩纪地层为例,说明该方法在制约地层年龄中的应用。

    The application to constrain strata age is illustrated by dating the Cretaceous sediment in western Qinling Mountain .

  17. 基于水流数值模拟的抽水蓄能三岔管肋宽比最优化分析

    Optimal width ratio of crescent rib in bifurcation of pumped storage power station based on numerical simulation of flow

  18. 低温早强耐腐蚀高性能砼在三岔河特大桥的应用

    The Application of Cryogenic , Early Strength and Corrosion-Resisting High Performance Concrete on San Cha He Specially Long Span Bridge

  19. 有加强肋板的三岔管水流数值模拟及水头损失研究

    The numerical simulation of the flow in the three diverge pipe with crescent costal board and study on head loss

  20. 现在我们有三个条件&三岔路口-,然后这个程序的确是正确的,至少我希望是。

    So now we have three conditions three forks in the road and this program is in fact correct , at least hopefully .

  21. 比较了高炉炉顶煤气管三岔管式连接和球式连接的特点,阐明了球式连接的实用性。

    The paper compares the pipe joint method of 3-branches with that of globe on the roof of blast furnace , and expounds the practicability of globe joint .

  22. 巴赫的车停在距离三岔路口不到五米的地方。根据该市违章停车条例,她本应被罚款10欧元。

    Bach 's offence parking less than five meters away from a road junction should have cost her 10 euros , according to the city 's parking rules .

  23. 摘要在湖北恩施三岔一带,有一种古老的还愿仪式,这种仪式保留了许多巫文化和傩文化因子。

    Around Sancha of Enshi in Hubei province , there is an old ceremony for promise fulfillment , which reserves many factors of cultures about Witch and luo .

  24. 终于,他们来到了一处三岔路口,那儿竖着一块奇异的石头。这是个荒僻、险恶的地方,人们都不喜欢在此久留,亚历克在这儿停住了。

    Eventually they came to a crossroads , where a strange stone stood.It was a lonely , unfriendly place , where people did not like to stay for long.Alec stopped here .

  25. 简站在人生的三岔路口,陷于深沉的绝望之中:一边是医生的死亡宣判,另一边则是死神的等待。

    Or so Jane thought in the depths of her despair at this fork in the road , with her doctor 's death sentence waiting around one bend and God 's waiting around the other .

  26. 通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘三岔&演武地区野外调查和地震剖面分析,用断层相关褶皱理论对油气储集构造进行了研究。

    Based on the investigation in the field and seismic profiles , we applied the theory of fault related fold in analyzing the traps of petroleum and natural gas in the southwestern margin of Ordos Basin .

  27. 在三岔路口,五六个人站在栅子跟前,仰起头读墙上贴的告示。觉新们也把告示读了。当你到了道路的岔口时,向左拐。

    Beside a barrier at a fork in the road , they came upon half a dozen men reading an announcement posted on the wall . When you get to the fork in the road , go left .

  28. 就空间异径三岔管的解析法展开,给出了有关的展开曲线方程,以及方程中各个系数的计算公式,为数控切割机等现代化设备参与生产实践,提供理论依据。

    Introduced lofting of analytical method based on space four-way tube joint , gave the equations related curve and the formulas of coefficient in equations , the lofting method mentioned provided theoretical basis for numerical control cutting machine in working .

  29. 它揭示出受盆地形状影响,在南北向压应力作用下,以断裂活动为主,该基底形成了由三岔形隆起带分割成三个构造区。

    It is revealed that , due to the influence of the shape of the basin , faulting was dominant under the action of the north-south compressive stress and , as a result , this basement was divided into three tectonic units by a fork-shaped uplifted zone .

  30. 文中最后通过点源、面源和库区底泥释放污染的分析得出三岔湖污染物主要的来源,并针对三岔湖的实际情况提出相应的防控对策。

    At the last of this paper through analysis the point source , diffuse and sediment release that to confirm the main pollutants of Three Forks Lake , and in the light of the actual situation of the three bifurcation lake to put forward the corresponding prevention and control countermeasures .