
  1. 浅议高中生物教师三种意识的确立

    The cultivation of three senses for biology teachers in senior middle school

  2. 基层思想政治教育必须强化三种意识

    " Three Senses " in Grass-roots Ideological and Political Education

  3. 教学管理应强化的三种意识

    Three ideologies should be intensified in the teaching administration

  4. 第三种意识状态就是记得自己。

    The third state of consciousness is self-remembering .

  5. 英语专业科技翻译教学中三种意识的培养

    Development of Students ' Three Awareness in Teaching Technical Translation for the English Major

  6. 论新闻价值取向变化下校报编辑、记者应强化的三种意识

    Three Kinds of Consciousness Strengthened under the Newsworthy Orientation Change for University Newspaper Editing Reporter

  7. 其中责任意识是其他意识的基础、出发点和根本点,后三种意识是责任意识的展开和升华。

    Among them , the sense of responsibility is the starting point , based on which the following three evolve .

  8. 实践表明,社科类期刊编辑应切实具有三种意识:超前意识、群体意识、质量意识。

    It is proved by practice that editors of this kind shall have three kinds of consciousness ; consciousness of surpassing , consciousness of masses and consciousness of quality .

  9. 在研究思路创新的基础上,本文初步建立了高校毕业生就业问题的成因解释经济模型并对应用这一模型应该具备的三种意识经济意识、条件意识和代价意识进行了说明。

    In the passage the author establishes an economical model to explain the graduate unemployment phenomenon and illuminates three kinds of consciousness that are needed in the exertion of the model .

  10. 教学管理在适应时代发展的过程中,要强化三种意识:即创新意识、科研意识、形象意识。

    The teaching administration should intensify three ideologies during the process of getting used to this era development , that is the ideologies of blazing new trails of scientific research and of imagery .

  11. 政治辅导员在高校大学生管理及思想政治教育等工作中担负着重要的职责,只有不断强化“三种意识”和实现“四个转化”,才能充分发挥其作用,找准其工作定位。

    Political assistants play an important role in ideological education in university students ' management work . We should constantly stress " Three Senses " and realize " Four Turns " so that we can bring their role into full play .

  12. 运用听音跟读、听音回答问题、听音判断对错三种语音意识测试,本研究对60名上海学前儿童和50名湛江学前儿童的汉语语音意识发展进行了定量分析。

    A quantitative study has been carried out to test Chinese phonological awareness of 60 children in Shanghai and 50 in Zhanjiang .

  13. 他围绕“檀香刑”这场大戏,给读者展示了庙堂、民间、看客三种生命意识形式。

    Around the play of " sandalwood penalty ", the author shows us three kinds of life consciousness from the temple , folk and on-lookers .

  14. 高校辅导员应以学生为本,强化“三种”意识,做到“三个投入”“三个到位”;

    Instructors'work in institutions of higher learning should be student-oriented and stress on the awareness of love , contribution to the students and sense of responsibility .

  15. 我们考虑了三种类型的意识,即个体意识、局部意识和全局意识。

    We study three types of aware-ness , including individual awareness , local awareness and global awareness .

  16. 瑜伽士说,典型的人类经验,始终游走在三种不同的意识层之间清醒、梦境,或无梦境的沉睡。

    During the typical human experience , say the yogis , most of us are always moving between three different levels of consciousness-waking , dreaming or deep dreamless sleep .

  17. 瑜伽士说,典型的人类经验,始终游走在三种不同的意识层之间——清醒、梦境,或无梦境的沉睡。

    During the typical human experience , say the Yogis , most of us are always moving between three different levels of consciousness - waking , dreaming or deep dreamless sleep .

  18. 文章重点分析考察了三种主要女性意识与妇女成材的关系:一、女性的主体意识即女性作为主体在客观世界中的地位、作用和价值的自觉意识。

    The article emphatically analyses and makes the research into three main types of relation between female consciousness and women 's development . First , female 's main body consciousness , which is to say , female 's position , function as well as self-consciousness as the main body .

  19. 第三、有五种意识和能力。

    The third , they have five kinds of consciousnesses and abilities .

  20. 人类的知识有三种存在形式:意识形式、符号形式、物化形式。

    Human knowledge has three forms of existence , i. e. , the form of consciousness , the form of marks and the form of substance .

  21. 在经济转型中,有三种主要的社会意识存在,即小农意识、计划观念和市场意识。

    There are three major social awareness in economical transition , i. e. , petty farmer 's ideology , conception of planned economy , and market consciousness .

  22. 她以艺术是人类情感的符号形式的创造这一全新命题为核心,确立了艺术的本体地位。人类的知识有三种存在形式:意识形式、符号形式、物化形式。

    By the theory of artistic philosophy , she established the ontology position of art . Human knowledge has three forms of existence , i. e. , the form of consciousness , the form of marks and the form of substance .

  23. 图书馆员作为图书馆的重要组成部分,为了适应网络时代的要求,至少应具备三种素质、三种精神、三种意识。

    As an important part of Library , a Librarian should possess three qualities , three spirits , and three ideologies to meet the demands of network era .