
  1. 高举文学革命军的三大主义旗帜;

    Upholding the three banners of the literary revolutionary army ;

  2. 后实证主义解决了经验环境与形而上学环境联结的问题,理解主义和批判主义提供了解决价值无涉与价值关涉矛盾的可能,而三大主义又都要求以经验实证为基础。

    While post-positivism accounts for the connection between empirical environment and metaphysical environment , comprehensiveness and criticism make it possible to solve the contradiction between " value free " and " reference to values " . But all of the three isms call for the basis of empirical evidence .

  3. 他被认为是十九世纪末美国文学三大著名现实主义小说家之一。

    He is regarded as one of the three greatest realist masters in the late 19th century in American literature .

  4. 当代西方国际政治理论的三大流派现实主义、自由主义和建构主义都提出了各自关于国际危机管理的模式。

    As three main genres of modern western international politics theory , Realism , Liberalism and Constructivism put out different connotations of international crises management .

  5. 国际关系理论中的三大流派&现实主义、自由主义、建构主义,对国家安全问题均有各自的理解。

    Realism , Liberalism and Constructivism have respective understanding to the national security question .

  6. 社会主义中国化的最早形态&论孙中山三大政策的民生主义

    The Earliest Morphology of Chinese Socialism

  7. 当代国际关系自其诞生以来始终遵循着三大传统:个人主义、民族国家及进步或科学传统。这三大传统相辅相成,成为当代国际关系稳定与延续的重要原因。

    From its very beginning , modern international relations have followed three trad itions : individualism , nation-state , and progressivism or scientism .