
  • 网络New Style;New Writing
  1. 文体革新化:网络世界的多媒体文本将成为一种新文体,整合文字、图象、声音以及互动的交流方式;

    Multi-media text in Internet will become a kind of new writing style , integrating text , pictures , sound and offering the ways of interaction.3.The vague boundary between readers and writers .

  2. 新文体与新小说之思

    The Thinking of the New Article Styles and the New Novel

  3. 论梁启超新文体散文的特征

    On the Characteristics of Liang Qichao 's New styled Prose

  4. 公共空间与晚清散文新文体

    Public space and new style : the prose of the Late Qing Dynasty

  5. 传奇主要是一种美学风格和表现手法,其本身并不是一种新文体。

    Romance is a kind of aesthetic style and writing technique , not a new literary form .

  6. 梁启超的新文体理论是近代变亦变,不变亦变文化语境的产物。

    Liang Qi-chao 's theory on new literary form came from the cultural context All things are changing .

  7. 白话文的表述,新文体的推行,为现代文学的形成开辟了新的途径。

    Vernacular , expression , new style , the implementation of the formation of modern literature for opens a new way .

  8. 怎样更好地解决应用文电子化、网络化的理论和实际问题,研究多媒体文体及新文体新方法对教育形式的影响和发展迫在眉睫,专家学者对这些问题已有不同的研究。

    Many experts have studied how to make practical articles electronic and web , the influence and development of the new style and form of writing .

  9. 揭示了幻想文学的人性探秘,对一种新文体做了诠释,有助于对人格、人性的了解。

    This paper discusses the nature of human beings in fantasy literature , illustrates this new style and is helpful for readers to understand the human nature .

  10. 白话文体、白话修辞学与文言文体、文言修辞学的竞争分为三个阶段:(1)“新文体”倡导阶段;

    The rivalry between modern Chinese style , modern Chinese rhetoric and classical Chinese style and rhetoric has undergone three stages : 1st , the introduction and creation of " new style ";

  11. 积极把经济活动中使用率高的新生文体纳入教学范畴,将常用文体和新文体有机结合,并创造条件开设多门类写作选修课,完成学生写作能力的基础装备和现代装备的组合。

    Third , we should add the new writing styles that are commonly used in the economic field to the teaching category to achieve the union of the basic facilities and the modern ones .

  12. 作为公共空间的晚清报刊是晚清散文的重要渊薮,对晚清散文新文体的形成起到了促进作用。

    As public spaces , newspapers and periodicals are the important places of issuing the proses of the late Qing Dynasty , which had given a promotion in forming the new style of prose of the late Qing Dynasty .

  13. 在妥协和抗争的同时运作下,杂志中的文学也为中国现代文学做出了独特的贡献:通俗文学承载了创生新文体的文学精神,女性文学提供了新的文学经验。

    Driven by attitudes that combined compromise with struggle , the literary works published in the periodical contributed to modern Chinese literature in the following ways : popular literature carried the literary spirit to create new literary forms ; and women 's literature provided new literary experience .

  14. 现代审美精神的张扬与新的文体意识的崛起&第四代报告文学作家创作论

    On the Creation Characteristic of the Fourth Generation Writer of Reportage

  15. 20世纪新故事文体的演变及其特征研究

    The Research of 20th Century Neo-tales Style Evolution and Characteristics

  16. 词是随着隋唐燕乐的兴起而产生的一种新的文体。

    Ci is a fresh writing style which was originated from Sui and Tang Dynasty .

  17. 因此需要从女权主义视角发展一种新的文体分析模式。

    Therefore , what is needed is to develop a new way of conducting stylistic analysis from a feminist perspective ( new analysis ) .

  18. “心得体”是近年文化解读热中流行的一种新的文体样式,常用于解读中国传统文化。

    As a new writing style recently popular in culture interpretations ," reading gains " originated from reading reports , thus there are a lot worth thinking and investigating .

  19. 本文对黑人灵歌歌词的文体分析可以检验新的文体分析模式的可行性,并有助于了解美国黑人历史和文化特点。

    Thus stylistic analysis on the spirituals lyrics is an approach to test the feasibility of the new model and it will be helpful for us to understand the black history and culture .

  20. 论新时期杂文文体的创新态势

    Talk About the innovation trend of essay style in the new time

  21. 新时期小说文体:流变与新生

    Novel Style in a New Stage : Change and Revival

  22. 我国新时期政论文体的翻译

    On the English Translation of the Political Essays in the New Era

  23. 新时期小说文体特征探讨

    Discussion on Characteristics of Writing Type of Novel in the New Period

  24. 新时期新闻文体改革研究

    The Study on the Innovation of the News Form in the New Era

  25. 女性新散文与文体试验

    TESTING Women 's New Essay and Innovating Style

  26. 第三章讨论我国新时期政论文体中新词汇和新术语翻译的一般原则和方法。新词语是我国新时期政论文的重要特征,新词语的翻译也是政论文翻译的重点之所在。

    Chapter Three focuses on the translation of neologisms in the political essays in the new era .

  27. 生活流与意识流&对新时期小说文体特征的研究

    Life stream and consciousness stream on the characteristics of the writing type of the novel in the new period

  28. 四大副刊以其综合性成为新文学各类文体的实验与演练场。

    Thanks to its comprehensiveness , the FMS turned out to be an experimental and drill field for all kinds of new literature genres .

  29. 复合体诗歌是一种新的诗歌文体样式,预示着现代诗歌文体探索、发展的方向,体现出现代自由诗在文体上的自由性和创造性。

    The composite style of poetry predicted a direction of development of modern Chinese poetry style and showed the freedom and creativity of modern free verse in style .

  30. 诗歌通过与散文、戏剧、小说等文体的嫁接、复合产生一种新的诗歌文体,是现代诗歌文体衍生的一种主要方式。

    The main generative modal of modern Chinese poetry was through combining poetry style with prose , drama and story in order to create a new poetry style .