
  • 网络love affairs
  1. 6月份,MarkSanford神秘失踪,去阿根廷探望其情妇,随后承认持续一年的桃色事件。

    Sanford disappeared back in June to see his mistress in Argentina , later admitted to a yearlong affair .

  2. 感谢收看“怎样保护自己的婚姻免于桃色事件”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage .

  3. 她与经理的桃色事件已是满城风雨,人人皆知了。

    There have been too much publicity about her affair with the manager .

  4. 我的婚姻怎样才能避免桃色事件呢?

    How can I " affair-proof " my marriage ?

  5. 必然的结局是许多昙花一现、不能公开的桃色事件。

    The necessary consequence is a great number of transient and clandestine connections .

  6. 让婚姻避免桃色事件的方法就是让自己的婚姻更加稳固。

    The way to " affair-proof " your marriage is to make your marriage strong .

  7. 部长和年轻女演员桃色事件的暴露引起了要他辞职的呼声。

    Revelations over the minister 's affair with a young actress have prompted calls for his resignation .

  8. 法国总统奥朗德与一名女演员的桃色事件被曝光数周后,一项泛欧的民意调查随之跟进,民调结果显示,在欧洲法国男人的风流指数名列第一,而英国人最不易于欺骗自己的伴侣。

    Weeks after President Franois Hollande 's affair with an actress was revealed , a Europe-wide survey has shown the French are the continent 's worst philanderers , while British are the least likely to cheat .

  9. 北方联盟在最近几宗桃色丑闻事件中一直表示支持,并表示将一如既往的支持总理。

    It 's backed him through his recent sex scandals and says it will now carry on with its support .

  10. 2009年,老虎伍兹的球场生涯看上去春风得意,他赢得了6个冠军头衔,个人收入也超过10亿美元。但11月底的桃色车祸事件发生后,则是另一番景象了。

    Tiger Woods ` s campaign in 2009 seemed to be on the right track after he claimed six wins and bagged more than $ 1 billion before a freakish car crash happened in late November .