
  • 网络canned peach
  1. 采购:糖果等休闲食品,桃子罐头等罐头食品。

    Buy : Candy , Sweets , Snack foods , Canned peaches , all kinds of canned fruits .

  2. 尼克森少尉认为这是桃子罐头。

    Lieutenant Nixon thinks this is a can of peaches .

  3. 伊凡,如果你想吃桃子罐头的话,你需要一个开罐器。

    Ivan , you need a can opener if you want to eat a can of peaches .

  4. 我们有鲔鱼罐头、鲑鱼罐头以及像桃子这样的水果罐头。

    We have canned tuna , salmon , and fruits like peaches .