
mào xiǎn ɡù shì
  • Adventure Story;tales of adventure
  1. 笛福生动地叙述了鲁滨逊·克鲁索在荒岛上的冒险故事。

    Defoe skilfully narrated the adventures of Robinson Crusoe on his desert island .

  2. backwardandforward来回,忽前忽后那人翻来覆去地讲他冒险故事。

    The man went backward and forward in his adventure story .

  3. 这部剧讲述了一位能穿越时空的类人外星人、名为“博士”(Doctor)的时间领主的冒险故事。

    The program depicts the adventures of the Doctor , a Time Lord - a space and time-travelling humanoid alien .

  4. 他的第一本书叫做《TheLandofStories》,说的是一对双胞胎的冒险故事,在现代社会的大背景下,这本书带有童话色彩。

    The first book , titled ' The Land of Stories , ' follows the adventures of a set of twins and will combine fairytales into a modern setting .

  5. 这对伙伴的主人把Hoshi和Zen的冒险故事记录在了一个叫做TheFluffyDuo的Instagram账号上,告诉人们,这两只狗是无法分离的。

    The pair 's parents , who document Hoshi and Zen 's adventures on Instagram account The Fluffy Duo , say the dogs are inseparable .

  6. 故事以纽约为背景,在巫师男孩波特的冒险故事发生的70年前,这个故事既不是前传也不是后续,而是J•K•罗琳的受欢迎的魔法巫师世界故事的延伸。

    The tale is set in New York , 70 years before the saga of boy wizard Potter and is described as neither a prequel or sequel , but rather an extension of author JK Rowling 's popular Wizarding World of magic 。

  7. 《丹麦女孩》由《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)的导演汤姆·霍珀(TomHooper)执导,尽管它由英美两国联合制作,亦是诸多探索性别平等与性别身份的丹麦性冒险故事中最新的一个。

    Despite being an American and British production , " The Danish Girl " - directed by Tom Hooper ( " The King 's Speech " ) - is the latest in a long line of sexually adventurous Danish stories exploring gender equality and identity .

  8. 这套系列小说以纽约为背景,讲述勇斗恶魔的Nephilim(又称暗影猎人)的冒险故事。

    Set in Modern New York City , the series centers on the adventures of the demon-fighting Nephilim ( also called shadowhunters ) .

  9. 塞万提斯因作品《堂·吉诃德》被世人铭记,书中的同名主人公曾经用长矛大战风车,他和他的冒险故事为世人带来了“吉诃德式的”(quixotic)这个词。

    Cervantes is most often remembered for " Don Quixote , " which gave the world the word quixotic in acknowledgment of its central character and his adventures , including his joust with windmills .

  10. 现在,J.A.罗琳和她的女儿捷西卡住在苏格兰的爱丁堡,继续完成哈利·波特的冒险故事。

    Jo Rowling lives in Edinburgh , Scotland , with her daughter Jessica and continues to work on writing the seven-book saga of Harry Potter .

  11. 故事以纽约为背景,在巫师男孩波特的冒险故事发生的70年前,这个故事既不是前传也不是后续,而是JK罗琳的受欢迎的魔法巫师世界故事的延伸。

    The tale is set in New York , 70 years before the saga of boy wizard Potter and is described as neither a prequel or sequel , but rather an extension of author JK Rowling 's popular Wizarding World of magic .

  12. 小说的叙事者哈菲兹(Hafiz)是马来西亚人,一个懒家伙,从大学退了学,手头总是没钱,不怎么虔诚,在故事中讲述自己同时追求一堆女孩的冒险故事。

    The narrator , Hafiz , is a Malay slacker , a college dropout who is usually broke , is often profane and recounts his adventures chasing multiple girls at the same time .

  13. 这位水手叙述他到埃及的冒险故事。

    The sailor spun a story about his trip to Egypt .

  14. 一方面,这是一个激动人心的带有悲剧性的冒险故事。

    On one it is an exciting but tragic adventure story .

  15. 他给我们讲述了他在战争中的种种冒险故事。

    He entertained us with tales of his adventures during the war .

  16. 老水手自己的冒险故事使男孩子们着了迷?

    The old sailor 's stories of his adventures charmed the boys .

  17. 他的冒险故事总是令人感到兴奋。

    His adventure stories never fail to stir the blood .

  18. 而这部电影主要讲述的是一名香港警察的冒险故事。

    The movie is about a Hong Kong police officer 's adventures .

  19. 补给与冒险故事书,探索丛林和大海的精神。

    Recharge the spirit with storybook adventure , exploring jungle and sea .

  20. 听他的冒险故事很激动人心。

    It was thrilling to listen to the story of his adventures .

  21. 读冒险故事总使他产生一些古怪的念头。

    Reading the adventures always puts some strange ideas into his head .

  22. 我非常喜欢看长篇冒险故事。

    I am really into long stories of adventure .

  23. 激发昔日电影辉煌的未来冒险故事也一样能。

    So will futurist adventures that evoke the splendor of the movie past .

  24. 亨特总是对史诗式的冒险故事带有偏爱。

    Hunt is always partial to epic adventure stories .

  25. 他讲了许多冒险故事,我们听得津津有味。

    He beguiled us with many a tale ofadventure .

  26. 这些冒险故事,我们选哪一段来讲呢?

    Which of these adventures shall we choose ?

  27. 冒险故事激发了汤姆的想象力。

    Stories of adventure fire Tom 's imagination .

  28. 善良战胜邪恶的冒险故事。

    Adventures in which good triumphs over evil .

  29. 这部新片子是一部冒险故事片。

    The new film is an adventure story .

  30. 极其荒诞的冒险故事故事里充斥着谋杀秘密与伤害

    and their , frankly , ridiculous adventures of murder , mystery and mayhem .