
  • 网络dangerous operations
  1. 违章指挥或者强令冒险作业危及劳动者人身安全的;

    Illegally directing or ordering any worker to conduct dangerous operations that may imperil the worker 's personal safety ;

  2. 工人冒险作业时的内在心理结构研究

    Study on Intrinsic Mental Structure of the Chinese Miner when in Risk-taking Operation

  3. 严禁管理者违章指挥,强令职工冒险作业。

    Managers are strictly forbidden to give instructions against rules and regulations or compel employees to work at risk .

  4. (五)指使或者强令他人违反消防安全规定,冒险作业,尚未造成严重后果的;

    Instigating or coercing others to work at risk of causing fire in violation of safety measures against fire , but not having resulted in serious consequences ;