
mào shi guǐ
  • daredevil;devil;cool hand;cool character;harumscarum;a rush fellow
冒失鬼 [mào shī guǐ]
  • [a rush fellow;harumscarum] 言语、举动鲁莽、轻率的人

  • 就算我是个冒失鬼,闹了个烟雾尘天,一概不管,甩手走了,你们想想,难道炕上那个黄布包袱我就含含糊糊的丢下不成?--《儿女英雄传》

冒失鬼[mào shi guǐ]
  1. 尽管如此,这将会让他不再像个冒失鬼一样到处横冲直撞了。

    Still , it 'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop .

  2. 另一项名为哥伦比亚卡片任务(ColumbiaCardTask)的试验工具令研究人员发现,青少年并不像大家通常认为的那样总是不计后果的冒失鬼。

    Another experimental tool , called the Columbia Card Task , enabled researchers to discover that teens aren 't always the dangerous risk-takers they are believed to be .

  3. 不过你该跟这个年轻的冒失鬼走。

    But you should go with the young venture snob here .

  4. 哎,天啊,我真是个冒失鬼呀!

    Oh , dear , what a blunderbuss I am !

  5. 冒失鬼将准备好的早餐递到了妻子面前。

    Daredevil will be ready before breakfast handed it to his wife .

  6. 别作冒失鬼,请戴安全帽。

    Don 't be rash , wear the helmet .

  7. 嘿,冒失鬼,过来

    Hey , FIippy , come here , man .

  8. 冒失鬼夫妇决定远出旅游度假。

    Daredevil couple decided to vacation far out .

  9. 他真是个大冒失鬼!

    He 's got a lot of bottle !

  10. 他知道你是个冒失鬼。

    He knows you 're reckless .

  11. “如果你把我当作鲁莽的冒失鬼,那可要叫我难受了。”罗达说。

    If you think I 'm a bold hussy , that 's too bad ," said Rhoda " .

  12. 如果他失败了,他会发现自己的形象将很快从众人期待的救世者,转变为又一个无能的冒失鬼。

    Should he fail , he will find himself swiftly transformed from wished-for saviour into yet another inadequate bungler .

  13. 真有你的,冒失鬼。这会儿我得带你去医院了。

    B : Way to go , clumsy . Now I guess I have to take you to the hospital .

  14. 作为唯一一个拥有自主充电飞行器的聪明的哺乳动物,和其他的鸟类以及飞行类的昆虫相比,这些迅速的冒失鬼们给我们带来了不同寻常的科技灵感。

    As the only mammals clever enough to have mastered self-powered flight , the speedy daredevils offer a different technological inspiration compared to birds and flying insects .

  15. 幸好公爵夫人出面干预,那个姑娘也保证,她没有被这个冒失鬼伤害,才没有对这个英俊潇洒的艺术大师的事业构成损害。

    Only the intervention of the Grand Duchess and the girl 's assurance that she had been unharmed by the presumed madman prevented damage to the dashing virtuoso 's career .

  16. 我也可以算作是个冒失鬼吧,因为尽管我从学会阅读就爱上了仙境故事,也经常有所思考,但并没有专业地研究过。

    And overbold I may be accounted , for though I have been a lover of fairy-stories since I learned to read , and have at times thought about them , I have not studied them professionally .

  17. 想想大鼻子情圣为呆头呆脑的基督徒写诗歌来追求罗克珊;或是电影《她》中,瓦昆菲尼克斯扮演的冒失鬼爱上了电脑操作系统。

    Think of Cyrano de Bergerac , who supplies poetry to the lunkheaded Christian to woo Roxane ; or the movie Her , in which Joaquin Phoenix 's sad sack falls in love with a computer operating system .

  18. 他们的儿子是个冒失的小淘气鬼!

    Their son is a cheeky little monkey !