
  • Adventure film;adventure movie
  1. 福克斯将翻拍1984年的冒险片《寻找宝石》,将其再次搬上大银幕,并请丹尼尔•麦克唐莫特操刀改编。

    Fox is bringing " Romancing the Stone " to the big screen again , swinging into development a remake of the1984 adventure movie and tapping Daniel McDermott to write it .

  2. 在威尼斯电影节上亮相的《星际探索》是詹姆斯·格雷担任编剧和导演的科幻冒险片。曾导演过《迷失Z城》的詹姆斯·格雷是影评人的宠儿。

    Blasting off from the Venice Film Festival , Ad Astra is a science-fiction adventure written and directed by James Gray , the critics ' favourite who made The Lost City of Z.

  3. 这主要归功于美国预计高达6500万美金的强大票房预测,华纳公司的主席TobyEmmerich已经开始准备这个海底冒险片的续集了。

    Thanks to a strong box-office prediction - $ 65 million in the US according to analysts - the studio 's chairman Toby Emmerich has already begun planning another underwater adventure .

  4. 在那部新的冒险片中,她扮演一个江湖骗子。

    She plays the impostor in that new adventure film .

  5. 我喜欢刺激的东西,例如冒险片。

    I like something exciting like an adventure film .

  6. 他导演的这部奇幻冒险片基于艾欧因·寇弗的畅销童书系列的第一部。

    Here he takes on a fantasy-adventure based on the first in Eoin Colfer 's huge , bestselling series of children 's books .

  7. 两人再次联手出演2013年上映的动作冒险片《重返地球》,饰演一对遭遇飞船重创后迫降到废弃星球的父子。

    The pair teamed up once more for the upcoming 2013 action-adventure flick , After Earth , playing a father and son who encounter a deserted planet after a crash landing .

  8. 目前克鲁斯一直忙于影片《谍中谍3》,这部最新的惊悚冒险片票房收入已经超过10亿美元。

    And what Cruise is doing these days is Mission Impossible III , the latest adventure thrill ride that 's already taken in over $ 1 billion at the box office .

  9. 近些年,中国的电影公司开始从宣传鼓动类影片(这类片子曾主导数代中国影坛)转向在任何一个国家都能吸引观众的类型:动作片、冒险片和喜剧片。

    In recent years , Chinese studios have started shifting away from the agitprop that defined their cinematic output for generations and are instead focusing on genres that draw viewers to theaters in any country : action , adventure , comedy .

  10. 《中国青年报》引用中国人民大学新闻传播学院讲师常江的话称:这些户外活动节目能给观众带来类似冒险片的愉悦感受。

    Watching these outdoor action shows gives audiences the same pleasant satisfaction as watching adventure movies , Chang Jiang , lecturer at the School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China , was quoted as saying by China Youth Daily .

  11. 这部新片子是一部冒险故事片。

    The new film is an adventure story .

  12. 这部新上映的冒险动作片票房销售量不错。

    The new action packed adventure film is doing well at the box office .

  13. 雷雅托桥坐落于威尼斯美丽的大运河上,在动作冒险和爱情片中都可立即辨认出它的身影。

    Instantly recognisable from both action adventures and romantic movies , the Rialto Bridge stretches across Venice 's beautiful Grand Canal .