
  • 网络Skyfall
  1. 继在电影《007:大破天幕杀机》中,和丹尼尔·克雷格(DanielCraig)演对手戏,饰演神秘的塞芙琳(Severine)一角后,这名法国女星第二次挑战以英语为主要语言的角色。

    This is second major English-language role for the French actress , who co-stars opposite Daniel Craig in Skyfall as the enigmatic Severine .

  2. 在电影《007:大破天幕杀机》中饰演邦女郎的贝纳尼丝·玛尔洛(BereniceMarlohe),已经确认加盟导演特伦斯·马立克(TerrenceMalick)执导的最新电影作品,目前此影片正在奥斯汀进行拍摄。

    Skyfall Bond girl Berenice Marlohe has joined the all-star cast of Terrence Malick 's latest movie , which is in production in Austin .

  3. 最出名的例子就是2011年的《007:大破天幕杀机》。

    Most notably with the Bond film Skyfall in 2011 .

  4. 在参加《007:大破天幕杀机》巡回宣传的同时,玛尔洛也会拍摄由马立克执导的新电影。

    Marlohe will shoot the Malick film concurrently with the ongoing press tour for Skyfall .

  5. 虽然电影《007:大破天幕杀机》在北美洲的公映时间是11月9号,但它已经在国际范围内开始向票房纪录发起进攻。

    The movie opens Nov. 9 in North America but already is shattering records internationally .

  6. 007:大破天幕杀机是邦德系列电影的第23部,邦德的历史可以追述到1962年。

    Skyfall is the twenty-third film in the James Bond franchise , which dates back to 1962 .

  7. 一些评论家认为这部电影的票房可能会打破《大破天幕杀机》的纪录,成为史上最成功的007电影。

    Some critics say the movie could break Skyfall 's record as the most successful Bond film to date .

  8. 从那以后,他就成为了史上片酬最高的邦德演员,仅2012年上映的《大破天幕杀机》这一部就获得1070万美元的收入。

    He has since become the highest-paid Bond actor ever , raking in $ 10.7m for 2012 's Skyfall .

  9. 007:大破天幕杀机是朱迪·丹奇在这部系列电影中的最后一次出演,她饰演M,她在前6部电影中都担任了这一角色。

    Skyfall is the last film of the series for Judi Dench , who played M , a role that she had played in the previous six films .

  10. 不过,依照合同他还有一部007电影要拍,据称在2012年的电影《大破天幕杀机》大获成功后,克雷格以3100英镑的片酬接下了两部007电影。

    However , he is still said to be contracted for one more film after agreeing a 31m pounds two-picture deal following the success of 2012 hit Skyfall .

  11. 这部电影将由尼尔珀维斯和罗伯特韦德担任编剧,此前两人也曾为《007:大战皇家赌场》、《007:大破量子危机》、《007:大破天幕杀机》和《007:幽灵党》编写剧本。

    It will be written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade , the duo who handled the scripts for Casino Royale , Quantum of Solace , Skyfall and Spectre .

  12. 英国歌手阿黛尔位居榜单第七位,获得今年奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,为詹姆斯·邦德电影007大破天幕杀机主题歌曲,其收入约为2500万美元。

    British singer Adele , who won an Oscar for the theme from the James Bond movie Skyfall , was seventh on the list with an estimated $ 25 million .

  13. 流行歌手蕾哈娜以4300万美元的收入跻身第五位。英国歌手阿黛尔位居榜单第七位,获得今年奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,为詹姆斯·邦德电影“007大破天幕杀机”主题歌曲,其收入约为2500万美元。

    British singer Adele , who won an Oscar for the theme from the James Bond movie " Skyfall , " was seventh on the list with an estimated $ 25 million .

  14. 据传制片人还“决定”再次邀请阿黛尔录制007新电影的主题曲。阿黛尔曾为《007:大破天幕杀机》献唱主题曲——这是第一首同时获得格莱美奖和金球奖的007主题曲。

    The producers are also rumoured to be " determined " to bring back Adele to record the theme tune after singing the lead track on Skyfall - the first 007 theme to win a Grammy and a Golden Globe award .