
  • 网络Genius Plan;Project TALENT
  1. obviously:明显地master:精通的,优秀的很显然Chuck的天才计划起作用了。

    Serena : Obviously , Chuck 's master plan is working . -

  2. 我的天才计划是这样的

    So my genious plan is this .

  3. 我希望你批准加速实行''天才''计划。

    I want your blessing to accelerate prodigy .

  4. 其它可能发生的好一点的事是,你的伙伴会带给你一个天才的计划并拯救那一天。

    Another better possibility will be that your partner will come up with a brilliant plan and save the day .

  5. 作为一个作者,我建议你的脑子里不要有超过一个“天才的计划”在打转。

    As a writer , I 'll bet you 've got more than one ' brilliant idea " project rolling around in your head .

  6. 但终有一天,他们的领导人会意识到,过去几十年,他们设计的所有天才货币计划,都不会让他们如愿以偿的凌驾于德国之上。

    But surely one day even its leaders will realise that none of the ingenious currency plans they have been producing for the last few decades will give them the whip hand over Germany they so desire .