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  1. 由于“C计划”的缘故,我第二、第三和第四天照看猫的工作进行得非常顺利。

    Because of " Plan C ", day two , three , and four of my cat-sitting adventure went smoothly .

  2. CARROLL:WillMcLain这些天照镜子的时候发现好像换了一个人。

    CARROLL ( voice-over ) : When Will McLain looks in the mirror these days , he sees a different person .

  3. 这些都是他失踪前一天照的。

    They were all taken the day before he disappeared .

  4. 后来,天照开辟了田地,在地里种上了水稻。

    Later , Amaterasu created rice fields , where she cultivated rice .

  5. 在她被杀的那天照的。

    It was taken the day he killed her .

  6. 这张照片是上个星期天照的。

    I took this picture last Sunday .

  7. 天照的主要圣殿坐落在伊势,即本州岛上。

    Amaterasu 's main sanctuary is situated on Ise , on the island of Honshu .

  8. 天照是日本神道教中的太阳女神,她统治着天字,她名字的含义就是金光闪闪的天宇。

    Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto sun goddess , ruler of the Plain of Heaven , whose name means " shining heaven " .

  9. 天照在日本神道教众神中居于核心地位,日本帝国统治家族都宣称他们是女神的后裔。他的家族乃皇室的后裔。

    She is the central figure in the Shinto pantheon and the Japanese Imperial family claims descent from her . His family were descended from kings .

  10. 论述了东北沦陷时期,日本帝国主义迫使东北人民信奉日本的天照大神,推行“惟神之道”,在精神上奴化广大人民。

    During the period when northeast China was occupied by Japanese army , Japanese imperialist forced Chinese people to embrace uppermost divinity which they believed in , and enslaved people 's mind .