
  • 网络Sky Mirror;bfhr;Mirror in the Sky
天镜 [tiān jìng]
  • (1) [a bright moon]∶喻指明月

  • (2) [clear water surface]∶喻指澄静的水面

  • 开帆入天镜。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  1. 塔高约21m,定天镜口径460mm,成象镜口径330mm,主焦距21m,卡式焦距40m,相应的太阳像直径分别为200mm和373mm。

    The aperture of the coelostat mirror is 460 mm . The objective mirror , 330 mm in diameter , has primary focal length of 21 m and Cassegrain focal length of 40 m , corresponding solar image with diameter 200 mm and 373 mm respectively .

  2. 定天镜伺服驱动系统的软件设计

    A Software Design for Servo System of Siderostats

  3. 1980年2月16日日全食时,我们在云南省瑞丽县用一架无缝光谱仪成功地进行了一次闪光光谱观测。仪器由定天镜供光,平均色散度为5.7/mm。

    A successful observation of the flash spectrum was made by a slitless spectrograph in Bui-Li county , Yun-Nan province during the total solar eclipse of Feb. 16 , 1980 . The spectrograph fed by a coelostat has an average dispersion of 5.7 A / mm .

  4. 两组分别在第4、9、14和19天内窥镜观察气管瘢痕形成情况,并计算狭窄度;

    Formation of cicatrix of trachea was observed by endoscopy on day4,9,14 and19 , and the degree of stenosis was calculated .

  5. 除第12天外,光镜下MCA直径的时相变化与DSA结果MDSD的时相变化相似。

    The alteration of MCA diameter in optical microscope was similar to that of MD / SD in angiogram according with the time course of cerebral vasospasm except for the twelfth day .

  6. 陶路上记载「青如天、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬」,可略知其制作精美。

    Tao on the road record ," Green , such as day , bright as a mirror , as thin as paper , sound like chime ," its production can be exquisite enlightenment .

  7. 1.Asp对溃疡形态学的影响:在模型复制后的第3天,出现一个大而圆的溃疡,第25天,肉眼及镜下观察溃疡全部愈合。

    Effect of aspirin on morphology of acetic acid ulcer : At day 3 , a large and round ulcer was observed . After that , the ulcer heals gradually . At day 25 , the ulcers also healed completely under naked eye and microscope .