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  • lake current
湖流[hú liú]
  1. 并将湖流模型和波浪模型耦合,分析了湖流对波浪的影响。

    Lake current model and wave model ( SWAN model ) were coupled to analyze the effects of wave on lake current .

  2. 本文基于实测资料,分析了太湖湖流和波浪的基本特征,分别建立了数学模型。

    In this paper , we analyzed the basic characteristics of lake current and wave of Lake Taihu based on measured data .

  3. 研究表明,持续稳定的风向(SSE至ESE),是表层藻类在下风区和迎风岸产生聚集的重要驱动力,湖流流向影响甚小。

    The result showed that the continued and steady wind direction ( SSE - ESE ) was the important driving force which caused the superficial algae accumulated on the leeward area and windward lakeshore .

  4. 水库湖流多负荷数值模拟

    Multifunction Numerical Simulation on the Current of Reservoirs and Lakes

  5. 湖泊水环境中湖流及其风效应研究

    Study on the flow speed with wind effect in a lake aquatic environment

  6. 鄱阳湖典型湖流流场与污染物浓度场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the typical lake currents and pollutant distribution of Poyang Lake

  7. 鄱阳湖湖流特征

    The characteristics of the lake current of Poyang Lake

  8. 鄱阳湖湖流特性分析与研究

    Analyses of the current of Poyang Lake

  9. 湖泊水库湖流模拟系统

    Mathematical modelling of Lake - reservoir current

  10. 调水引流对太湖无锡水域湖流的影响

    Influence of Water Diversion and Drainage on Lake Current of Wuxi Watershed in Taihu Lake Basin

  11. 滇池在主导风向西南风作用下,假定湖面风场是均匀的,数值模拟的湖流流态与实测湖流结果相差很大。

    Numerical simulated flow field with uniform wind field and measured flows were not in agreement .

  12. 二维风生流模型是浅水湖泊常用的水动力模型,适用于滇池的湖流模拟。

    Two-dimensional wind-driven currents model is a very useful hydrodynamic model for shallow water , such as Dianchi Lake .

  13. 控制湿地粒度分布的动力,主要为重力型湖流,但波浪和风的作用也参与了沉积物的搬运与沉积。

    The grain-size distributions are mainly controlled by the gravitative lake current and partly reworked by wind wave actions .

  14. 通过数值模拟研究发现:风场是湖流、矿化度空间分布的主要影响因素;

    And the simulation results indicated that wind field is main factor which can influence spatial distribution of lake current and salinity .

  15. 研究还表明:湖流作用、入湖河道位置和古河道分布是太湖底泥分布的主要影响因素。

    It was discovered that lake current , the position of the rivers entering lake and distribution of the ancient rivers are the main factors of sludge distribution in Lake Taihu .

  16. 他们下了山,绕到从小湖流出来的那条河的小空地上站着,看着周围悬崖环立的那潭深水。

    They came down and round to the little opening where the stream came out of the lake , and stood looking at the deep water within the circle of cliffs .

  17. 根据实测资料,将鄱阳湖湖流归纳为重力型、顶托型、倒灌型三种基本类型,概述了各类型湖流的机制、特征;

    The flow of Poyang Lake is divided into three kinds of flow as following : gravity flow , top-lifted flow , and backward flow , their characters are described in the article .

  18. 大量研究表明,浅水湖泊沉积物易受波浪和湖流的共同作用而频繁发生再悬浮-沉降的交替过程,造成上覆水中污染物浓度突然上升。

    A mass of researches indicated that sediment in shallow lakes were vulnerable to waves and lake flows joint with action and frequent suspension , the alternate process caused water pollutant concentration rised abruptly .

  19. 玄武湖风生流数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of wind - driven current in Xuanwu Lake

  20. 渤海潮流及湖余流的数值计算

    Numerical computation of tidal current and tide-induced residual circulation of the Bohai Sea

  21. 洞庭湖出流与长江干流来水流量的不同遭遇对城陵矶断面水位的影响非常显著。

    The flood combination of Dongting Lake ′ s outflow and Yangtze River main stream ′ s inflow affect heavily the water level of Chenglingji cross-section .

  22. 结果表明:在城陵矶断面,当监利来水流量超过洞庭湖出流时,主流靠左岸;

    The result shows : in Chenglingji cross-section , when inflow of Jianli exceeds outflow of Dongting Lake , threads of steam are close to left side bank ;

  23. 在洞庭湖现有泄流系数不变的情况下,要增加洞庭湖的蓄洪能力,主要有扩大蓄洪区和加高堤垸防洪高度。

    Meanwhile , as a tributary lake of the Yangtze river , the capacity of flood storage in Dongting Lake is also relationship with the alleviation of flood pressure to whole lower Yangtze drainage .

  24. 研究认为,其沉积主要受风成湖浪和湖流以及古地形控制。

    And its sediment is controlled by lake-wave , lake-flow and landform .

  25. 梅梁湖泵站竖井贯流泵装置主要参数的确定

    Determination of main parameters for shaft tubular pumping system

  26. 砂质的物质主要来自附近的三角洲、扇三角洲和水下冲积扇等近岸较大砂体,经湖浪和湖流搬运至此。

    Arenaceous material from large coastal sand body of the near delta , fan-delta and subsea alluvial apron was carried here by lake wave or fluid .

  27. 基准面上升期对应着构造沉降和断裂幕式活动期,断裂的幕式活动通过地震作用和改变沉积底形诱发大规模滑塌,同时湖浪和湖流的诱发作用增强。

    The base-level rising stage corresponds to the active stage of the tectonic subsidence and episodic fracture movement , during the base-level rising stage , the episodic fracture movement can trigger cosmically slump , and the lacustrine wave and lacustrine current boost up .