
  • eggache;Ballache;sei
  1. 我为H2G能有你们这样的踹我砍搔蛋疼而感到无比的自豪和骄傲!

    We feel much proud and appreciated for H2G to have all the great travel consultants like you are !

  2. x100是一台令人诧异得蛋疼的相机。它综合了优秀的画质,坚实的做工以及超绝的取景器,同时也包含了呆滞的操作,奇怪并且充满了缺陷的固件。

    The X100 is an exasperating conundrum of a camera , combining excellent image quality , solid build and a superb viewfinder with sluggish operation and eccentric , buggy firmware .

  3. 光荣永远属于你们全体踹我砍搔蛋疼!

    The honors will always belong to all your travel consultants !

  4. 不是我反人类人社会,就是感觉有点蛋疼。

    Having nothing to say , just feel eggs so pain .

  5. 我觉得你是闲得蛋疼的阔佬。

    I think you 're a bored rich guy .

  6. 多么纠结的人生,多么蛋疼的社会。

    What is life , what a fucking society .

  7. 给她打电话吧,她这些日子正闲得蛋疼。

    Give her a call , she has very little to do these days .

  8. 多么蛋疼的一个月啊!

    What a difference a month makes .

  9. 他欺骗你是因为你让人蛋疼。

    Okay , the reason he deceived you is you were being a pain in the ass.

  10. 在这段时间,有些人已经或者即将离开你们,这些离开的都是你们留下来的踹我砍搔蛋疼学习的榜样。

    During this period , some of you has or is about to leave you , the left ones are all the learning models for the remained travel consultants .

  11. 《365个快乐的理由》一书的作者理查德哈伯最近又出了一本新书《蛋疼的法律》,该书涵盖了250个世界上最疯狂的法律。

    From the author of 365 Reasons to be Cheerful , The Law is an Ass is Richard Happers latest book , which uncovers 250 of the worlds craziest laws .

  12. 《365个快乐的理由》一书的作者理查德·哈伯最近又出了一本新书《蛋疼的法律》,该书涵盖了250个世界上最疯狂的法律。

    From the author of 365 Reasons to be Cheerful , The Law is an Ass is Richard Happer 's latest book , which uncovers 250 of the world 's craziest laws .

  13. 当然我们也修改了一下,把注册到联赛阵容和注册号码分成两码事,这样咱就可以给没注册联赛的球员一个号码,而不用看着-1蛋疼菊紧了。

    But we 've tidied up a few issues with it , in particular separating out the squad number and squad registration screens , so you can still give squad numbers to players that you don 't need to register .