
  • 网络Cake making;Cake Fabric Comments
  1. 儿童可在儿童乐园享受一次免费游戏(蛋糕制作)。

    Complimentary activities for1 child at Kids Kempi ( cake making ) .

  2. 分别采用海绵蛋糕制作方法和一次发酵法制作仙人掌蛋糕和面包,并对它们的感官质量进行了评定。

    Sponge cake produce technique and standard straight process were applied to make cactus cake and bread before sensory quality test .

  3. 最后,展望了微波蛋糕制作技术的应用前景。以正交实验验证了添加苹果的蛋糕制作工艺。

    Finally , a good applied prospects for the microwave baking was predicted . The experiment studies the technies of apple cake by intersectant method .

  4. 这件真人大小的婚纱的褶摆由超过1千张威化纸、77磅的糖膏、至少6磅的花边蛋糕制作而成。

    The life-size dress 's ruffles and accents are made of more than 1000 sheets of wafer paper , 77 pounds of fondant and at least six pounds of cake lace .

  5. 申请者可以发送图片、短片和PDF文档,阐明自己参与的一个项目——他们制作的服装、设计的应用程序、烘焙的蛋糕、制作的家具,或编织的锁子甲。

    Applicants can send images , a short video and a PDF that shed light on a project they 've undertaken - clothing they 've made , apps they 've designed , cakes they 've baked , furniture they 've built , chain mail they 've woven .

  6. 蛋糕微波制作技术问题的探讨

    Probe into the Technology of Baking Sponge Cake by Microwave Heating

  7. 但至于说到实际的工作纸杯蛋糕的制作

    But as far as the actual work and the cupcake making

  8. 你需要几片松软蛋糕来制作屈菜弗甜食。

    You need slice of sponge cake to make a trifle .

  9. 不出所料,每一块蛋糕的制作都步骤复杂。

    Unsurprisingly , creating each cake is a multi-step process .

  10. 纤维豆渣蛋糕的制作

    Processing of fiber - soybean residue cakes

  11. 这个咖啡蛋糕的制作方法是在蛋糕上面抹上红糖黄油及核桃末儿。

    This coffee cake recipe is topped with a brown sugar butter pecan crumb topping .

  12. 蛋糕的制作方法,由母亲亲手传给女儿,并且各自对其加以修饰。

    The recipe , handed down from mother to daughter , is embellished by each .

  13. 19世纪50年代末期,这种蛋糕的制作方法首次刊登在达拉斯的一家报纸上,并迅速流传开来。

    The first time the recipe for this cake was published was way back in the late ' 50s . It was advertised in a Dallas newspaper and became popular almost immediately .

  14. 屠刀上一抹转淡的红:论余华小说生命观之演变这个咖啡蛋糕的制作方法是在蛋糕上面抹上红糖黄油及核桃末儿。

    Butcher 's Knife on the Slowed Bloody the Study on Yu Hua 's Conversion of Life View in His Novel This coffee cake recipe is topped with a brown sugar butter pecan crumb topping .

  15. 用木糖醇、复合甜味剂代替蔗糖作为甜味剂,选用黄原胶作为增稠稳定剂,以面粉、鸡蛋为主要原料对无糖蛋糕的制作技术进行了研究,通过正交试验确定了无糖蛋糕的配方。

    Xylitol and aspartame replace the sucrose as the sweetener , the xanthan gum as the thickening agent , flour and eggs as the majority material , the manufacturing technology of non-sucrose cake were studied , the technological parameters formula of non-sucrose cake in terms of perpendicular test .

  16. 对仙人掌蛋糕、包制作的可行性进行了研究。

    The feasibility of manufacturing of cactus cake and bread was studied in this test .

  17. 到目前为止,科学家已成功“打印”出了饼干、蛋糕以及火鸡肉制作的“特制肉塔”。

    So far , they have had some success creating cookies , cake and'designer domes'made of turkey meat .

  18. 迄今为止,科学家已成功“打印”咄出了饼干、蛋糕以及火鸡肉制作的“特制肉塔”

    So far , they have had some success creating cookies , cake and " designer domes " made of turkey meat .

  19. 他的最后一站是大熊猫厨房,在这里他看到了给熊猫的蛋糕是如何被制作出来的,他自己也亲身尝试了一下制作过程。

    His last stop was the Panda Kitchen , where he saw how cakes for the pandas are prepared and joined in the preparation process .

  20. 人们把这种蛋糕叫作“一磅”蛋糕,因为制作这种蛋糕需要面粉、棕糖、黄油、糖霜樱桃、葡萄干、李子、红醋栗各一磅,加上一打鸡蛋和调味品。

    It is considered a " pound " cake -- with the recipe calling for a pound each of flour , dark brown sugar , butter , glace cherries , raisins , prunes , currants , plus a dozen eggs and flavorings .

  21. 人们把这种蛋糕称为“一磅”蛋糕,因为制作这种蛋糕需要面粉、红糖、黄油、糖霜樱桃、葡萄干、李子、红醋栗各一磅,加上一打鸡蛋和调味品。

    It is considered a " pound " cake - with the recipe calling for a pound each of flour , dark brown sugar , butter , glace cherries , raisins , prunes , currants , plus a dozen eggs and flavorings .

  22. 弗罗里达的LarryBach开了家蛋糕店,他不仅为顾客定制结婚蛋糕,还可以制作离婚蛋糕。

    At least that 's according to Larry Bach , the owner of Sprinkles Custom Cakes in Winter Park , Florida . Though his bakery does far more wedding cakes , Mr. Bach admits that he has created a few cakes for women going through a divorce .