
  1. 通过竞争性蛋白质结合分析法测得,鹅去氧胆酸经灌胃给药后能显著提高大白鼠气管组织中cAMP的含量。

    Competitive protein binding assay indicates the level of cAMP is improved when CDCA is given by oral administration .

  2. 用免疫细胞化学染色图像分析法和蛋白质定量分析法(WESTERNBLOTTING)测定U937细胞中NFκB的活性;

    The activity of NF κ B was evaluated by immunochemical staining and image analysis and Western blotting .

  3. 采用竞争性蛋白质结合分析法,分析CDCA对大白鼠气管组织中的cAMP含量的影响;

    The content of cAMP was analysed by method of competitive protein binding assay . Referring to the self-guard mechanism of G.

  4. 海洋蛋白质荧光分析法的研究进展

    Advance in studies on fluorescence analysis for protein in marine environment

  5. 本研究以毛为样品,采用竞争性蛋白质结合分析法测定其孕酮含量进行乳牛早孕诊断。对毛中孕酮的提取方法进行了研究与鉴定。

    Attempt was made to determine progesterone in hair using competitive protein-binding assay for pregnancy diagnosis of dairy cows .

  6. 蛋白质固体表面荧光分析法研究

    Solid Surface Fluorescence for the Determination of Protein

  7. 荧光染料吖啶红作测定蛋白质的生物探针&蛋白质的染料分析法新进展

    Acridine red a fluorescent dye used as a biological probe for the determination of protein