
  • 网络prognosis
  1. 梅毒患者机体细胞免疫应答及其与疾病转归的相关性研究进展

    Progress about cellular immune response and it 's relationship with prognosis of syphilis

  2. 认知行为干预对流行性腮腺炎患儿情绪及疾病转归的影响

    Influence of cognitive behavior intervention on feeling and prognosis of children with epidemic mump

  3. 结论急性肾衰患者存在高β2-MG和LDH,且β2-MG和LDH与病情轻重和疾病转归密切相关。

    Conclusions High levels of B_2-MG and LDH might be related to the severity of disease in patients with ARF .

  4. ICH后机体病理生理变化复杂,实验室检测指标一定程度上可反映出脑出血后机体的病理生理变化,因此,脑出血患者实验室检测指标的改变与疾病转归的关系值得深入研究。

    Pathophysiological changes after ICH are complex , but maybe reflected by the changes of laboratory indicators . Therefore , the relationship between the changes of laboratory indicators after ICH and disease outcome deserves further research .

  5. 通过探讨e抗原阴性的慢性肝病(包括慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌)患者血清HBVdna含量与肝功能试验有关指标(ALT、AST/ALT、白蛋白、A/G)及疾病转归的相关性。

    To explore the correlation between the level of serum hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) DNA , the relevant hepatic functionindices ( ALT , albumin ) and the change of illness in patients of chronic hepatic diseases with HBeAg negative ( including chronic hepatitis , cirrhosis and carcinoma ) .

  6. 方法观察血清抗结核分支杆菌抗体在各类结核患者中的敏感性和特异性,与痰涂片及PPD皮试的一致性,以及与疾病转归的关系。

    Method Sensitivity and specificity of the antibody in diagnosis of tuberculosis were detected . Results of the antibody detection , sputum smear and PPD examination were compared , and the relationship between the level of the antibody and the situation of the disease was also observed .

  7. 方法:对507例HDV(+)肝炎患者各临床类型肝炎的发病率、疾病转归、临床表现、肝功能、肝炎病毒标志物等进行统计分析,以213例HDV(-)乙型肝炎患者作对照。

    Methods : The morbidity , prognosis , clinical features , liver function tests and hepatitis virus markers of 507 patients with HDV ( + ) hepatitis were statistically analysed and compared with 213 patients with HDV ( - ) hepatitis B as control .

  8. 作者认为:GD患者血清中存在TSab,其水平变化与临床疾病转归具有一定规律性,TSab检测对GD临床治疗监测、复发预测具有一定参考价值。

    These studies suggested : TSab existed in sera of most patients with GD , the changes cf TSab level were correlated with the clinical course of GD . The detection of TSab may be an useful parameter in monitoring clinical treatment of GD and predicting the GD recurrences .

  9. 论七情与疾病转归的关系

    Discuss on the Relationship of Seven Emotions and the Finial Result of the Disease

  10. 摘要烦躁是临床常见症状之一,对疾病转归和预后都具有十分重要的意义。

    The restlessness has been met frequently in clinical findings , which is very significant to prognosis of disease .

  11. 方法:从疾病转归、药物治疗方面总结难治性感冒的原因及对策。

    Methods : Based on the disease outcome and drug treatment , the causes and countermeasures of refractory common cold were summarized .

  12. 结果观察组病例的医嘱执行情况、生活质量及疾病转归等明显优于对照组,(P<0.05),有统计学差异。

    Results There were significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) in compliance of patients , life quality , disease sequel between two groups .

  13. 肾小管问质纤维化的因素和相关机制,寻求其早期可逆因子或防治措施对肾脏疾病转归有重要意义。

    Therefore it is significant to explore the trigger factors and the relevant mechanisms of tubulointerstitial fibrosis and seek the early reversible factor or treatment .

  14. 证实重心动摇试验适于观察老年眩晕患者疾病转归、代偿形成过程及前庭系统退变状况。

    It was indicated that the stability test was useful to observe the results of old aged vertigo patients , formation of compensation , and degeneration of vestibular sense system .

  15. 祖国医学对膝骨关节炎的认识历史悠久,对其病因、病机、治则及疾病转归等均作了较详细的论述。

    Understanding of the motherland medicine for osteoarthritis of the knee is a long history , its etiology , pathogenesis , treatment of the disease outcome are made more detailed discussion .

  16. 观察治疗前后患者的肝功能、病毒学标志物等实验室指标的变化情况以及疾病转归情况。

    Observed before treatment , after treatment in patients with hepatic injury , the hepatitis B virus markers , etc. , as well as changes in prognosis of the disease . Results : 1 .

  17. 紧密结合疾病转归,结合病机特点和中医理论,在临床过程中寻找症状,是毒损脑络症状学研究的思路。

    It is the research thinking of symptomatology of damage of brain collateral by toxin to combine closely the outcome , pathogenetic characteristics of apoplexy with Chinese medical theory , and to find the symptoms in clinical practice .

  18. C型与更严重的疾病及转归有关。

    Genotype C was more prone to causing severe liver disease .

  19. T细胞免疫在HBV感染中对病毒的清除、控制和肝组织病理损伤起主要作用,并对疾病的转归有重要影响。

    T cell-mediated immunity plays a major role in clearing the virus , controlling the histopathological injury of the liver , and affecting the disease prognosis .

  20. CDFI作为一种无创,可重复的方法,不仅可对恶性滋养细胞肿瘤进行早期诊断,而且可用于观察化疗效果,判断疾病预后转归。

    CDFI are useful for early diagnosis of the gestational trophoblastic tumors , for evaluating chemotherapeutic results and disease prognosis .

  21. 结论:根据DN不同时期,采用个性化康复护理程序有利于DN患者疾病的转归或延缓病情的进程。

    Conclusion : In terms of the different periods of DN , individual care program is beneficial to the outcome of DN or delay the progression of the illness .

  22. 肾间质中单个核细胞浸润与肾脏疾病临床转归的关系

    Relationship between mononuclear cells infiltration in renal interstitium and the prognosis of kidney disease

  23. 结果:经过心理干预,在疾病的转归过程中,患者及家属能避免误区的羁绊。

    Results : through psychological interference , patients and their relatives can evade unnecessary misunderstandings .

  24. 外科治疗有利于疾病的转归,并不增加感染性心内膜炎的总死亡率,且明显优于内科保守治疗。

    It does not increase the total mortality of infective endocarditis , and is better than conservative treatment .

  25. 准种的复杂性能潜在影响感染的严重性和疾病的转归。

    The complexity of HCV quasispecies is potentially able to affect the outcome of infection and the severity of liver disease .

  26. 随着造影技术的发展,超声检查将更好地预测阴囊疾病的转归,指导临床治疗。

    With the development of imaging technologies , ultrasonography is expected to forecast preferably the turnover of scrotal diseases and guide clinical treatment .

  27. 在有效“时间窗”内采取多靶点、多水平、多通道的干预措施,对疾病的转归至关重要。

    Intervence measures of multiple targets , levels and pathways within " the therapeutic window " are very important for recovery of disease .

  28. 结论加强对心肌梗死患者的护理干预,对患者的康复、疾病的转归起着重要作用。

    Conclusion Enhance the care of patients with myocardial infarction intervention for the rehabilitation of patients , the prognosis of the disease plays an important role .

  29. 目的:研究门诊癫痫患者的诊断、治疗和疾病的转归、预后,采用回归模型对癫痫的预后进行多因素分析,探讨规范化诊疗对预后的影响。

    Objective : To investigate standard diagnosis and therapy and disease outcome on patients with Epilepsy , develop models to assess the individual prognosis through the factors .

  30. 背景:血管病变最早的表现之一就是内皮功能障碍,众所周知,它可以引起白蛋白尿并被用来预测心血管疾病的转归。

    Background : One of the earliest signs of vascular change is endothelial dysfunction , which is also known to provoke albuminuria and to predict cardiovascular prognosis .