
  • 网络Prevention;Disease prevention;Prevent a disease
  1. 要改革完善疾病预防控制体系。

    We should reform and improve our disease prevention and control system .

  2. 5月13日,国家疾病预防控制局正式挂牌,将承担制订传染病防控政策等五大职能。

    China on May 13 inaugurated a new national administration of disease prevention and control , with its five major functions including formulating policies for the prevention and control of infectious diseases .

  3. 国家疾病预防控制局成立,意味着疾控机构职能从单纯预防控制疾病向全面维护和促进全人群健康转变。

    The establishment of the administration signals the expansion of the roles of disease prevention and control agencies from preventing and containing diseases to comprehensively safeguarding and promoting the health of the entire population .

  4. DNA疫苗在动物疾病预防中的研究进展

    Recent Advances in Research on DNA Vaccine to defend animals diseases

  5. 因此,DNA和ATP的检测在临床诊断、疾病预防和生物药学等方面具有重要的意义。

    So , the detection of DNA and ATP plays a critical role in disease diagnosis , prevention and biomedical research .

  6. 社区居民的卫生服务需求依次是健康指导、疾病预防、定期体检、24h应诊等服务。

    The health care demand ranked as follows : health guide , disease prevention , timely physical examination and 24-hour answer .

  7. 结果:SARS发生以后,疾病预防控制机构的工作量下降,这些机构的支出增加,收支出现入不敷出的局面。

    Results : after the outbreak of SARS , the workloads in disease control facilities declined and the expense increased . Financial deficits emerged in these organizations .

  8. 结论:公共财政要给予疾病预防控制机构适当的补贴,SARS防治专项资金要足额及时到位。

    Conclusions : the public financing system should compensate the expense in the disease control facilities . The special budget for SARS should be distributed in time .

  9. 2011年AHA最新分类了妇女心血管疾病预防指导纲要中的妇女心脏病风险。

    The2011 update to the AHA 's cardiovascular prevention guidelines for women recategorizes a woman 's risk for heart disease .

  10. 美国疾病预防控制中心发言人尼科尔•考芬(NicoleCoffin)说,该机构的建议是根据美国食品和药物管理局上述决定发布后公布的信息做出的。

    The CDC 's recommendations are based on information published since the FDA ruling , says Nicole Coffin , a CDC spokeswoman .

  11. 目的通过对辽宁省市本级疾病预防控制中心(以下简称为CDC)人力资源现状调查与分析,了解CDC人力资源总体情况,发现其中存在的问题,提出相应的改善意见。

    Objective Expect through human resources current situation investigate and analyse to Liaoning Province city level centre for diseases control and prevention ( CDC ) .

  12. 但是欧洲疾病预防与控制中心本月早些时候(1月8日)警告说,随着甲型H1N1流感大流行逐渐消退,新的毒株很可能取而代之。

    But , as the A ( H1N1 ) pandemic gradually declines , new strains are likely to replace it , the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has warned .

  13. 这提醒我们:甲型H1N1流感病毒的防治在今后相当长时间内仍是疾病预防控制工作的重点。

    This reminds us that the prevention and cure of the virus of A type H1N1 flu will still be the point of the disease prevention and control in a very long time .

  14. [方法]对凯里市市区2002~2004年到黔东南州疾病预防控制中心体检人群的HBsAg检查结果进行分析。[结果]合计检查15359人,HB-sAg阳性的939人,阳性率为6.11%。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the HBsAg test results of health examined population done by Qiandongnan CDC from 2002 to 2004 . [ Results ] 15,359 persons were examined , among which 939 were HBsAg positive .

  15. 北京疾病预防控制中心发言人庞星火在周三表示,不排除在首都北京发现H7N9病例的可能性。

    Pang Xinghuo , spokesman for Beijing CDC , said on Wednesday it was not ruling out the possibility of H7N9 cases in the capital .

  16. 目的:了解2005年商丘市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病自愿咨询检测(HIVvoluntarycounseling&testing,VCT)门诊求询者HIV感染状况,为本市艾滋病的预防控制提供依据。

    Objective : To study the HIV infection status of the consulters in the HIV Voluntary Counseling & testing ( VCT ) clinic of Shangqiu center for disease control and prevention in order to provide the reference for HIV / AIDS prevention and control in Shangqiu city .

  17. 中国疾病预防控制中心证实,浙江省省会杭州市1名38岁姓洪的病人于3月27日病故,据检测他有感染H7N9禽流感病毒。

    The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that a 38-year-old patient surnamed Hong from Hangzhou , the provincial capital , who died in hospital on March 27 , had the virus .

  18. 结果:共随机调查了中国现场流行病学培训项目(CFETP)成员13人和部分省市各级疾病预防和控制中心(CDC)人员(省级16人,市级44人,区级33人),共计106人。

    Results : One hundred and six persons were investigated , including Chinese field epidemiological training program ( CFETP ) members , workers of CDC of province , municipality and district levels .

  19. Mosca和Marcovitz都表示,专家必须得找出新的方法来取得心脏疾病预防的信息。

    Both Mosca and Marcovitz said that experts have to find new ways to get the message of heart disease prevention out to more people .

  20. 差分方程在疾病预防控制中的应用

    On Application of Difference Equation in Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control

  21. 论疾病预防控制中心在食品安全工作中的责任

    Responsibility of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Food Safety

  22. 干预恶性肿瘤的发病与死亡是疾病预防与控制工作面临的紧迫的卫生问题。

    Malignant tumor intervention and control work should be strengthened .

  23. 安徽省疾病预防控制中心人力资源状况分析

    Analysis on Manpower Resources of Anhui Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  24. 疾病预防控制机构卫生人力配置问题探讨

    Study on health manpower allocation in institutions of disease control and prevention

  25. 单位:丽水市疾病预防控制中心。

    SETTING : Lishui Center for Disease Prevention and Control .

  26. 介绍广州市疾病预防控制中心建筑设计

    An Introduction of Guangzhou Disease Prevention and Control Center Design

  27. 广州市疾病预防控制人员应急风险沟通需求调查

    Need of Emergency Risk Communication for CDC Staff in Guangzhou

  28. 疾病预防控制中心主任岗位胜任力研究

    Competency Study on Director Post of Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  29. 阿司匹林抵抗对血栓栓塞性心血管疾病预防效果的影响

    The impact of aspirin resistance on preventing thromboembolic cardiovascular desease

  30. 疾病预防控制地理信息平台的研制与应用

    Development and Application of GIS on Disease Control and Prevention