
suǒ shì
  • trifle;trivia;detail;trivial matter;bagatelle;palaver
琐事 [suǒ shì]
  • [trivial matter;trifle] 繁杂零碎的事

琐事[suǒ shì]
  1. 别为一些琐事与别人争吵。

    Don 't wrangle with others over trifles .

  2. 他经常为了一些琐事责备我,我感到非常不爽!

    I am very unhappy when he scold me for trifles .

  3. 我们整个晚上谈论家庭琐事。

    We spent the whole evening discussing domestic trivia .

  4. 有些部门的无聊琐事太多。

    In some departments there is too much make-work .

  5. 母亲很爱父亲,尽管他们总是为琐事拌嘴。

    Mother is devoted to Dad although they squabble all the time

  6. 生活对于平头百姓而言依然是理不清的琐事。

    Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person .

  7. 他指责我为丁点琐事大惊小怪。

    He accused me of making a great fuss about trivialities

  8. 她基本上把锻炼看做是不得不做的琐事。

    She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore

  9. 这两个男人闲聊了些诸如彼此最喜欢的快餐这样的琐事。

    The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds of fast food

  10. 他早期的许多作品关注的是农村生活中一些鸡毛蒜皮的琐事。

    Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life .

  11. 不要为琐事烦恼。

    Don 't get upset about trivial matters .

  12. 最有才干的领导也会陷于拘泥琐事的困境中。

    The most brilliant leadership can be mired in detail .

  13. 不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。

    Don 't waste time on domestic trivialities .

  14. 为琐事争论毫无用处。

    It is useless to argue on a trifle .

  15. 真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来干这类琐事。

    It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifling matters .

  16. 在我去医院之前的清晨散步是一段安静、平和的时间,这时我可以集中思想,也可以在一天的医院琐事开始之前保持平静。

    The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet , peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the day 's medical drama unfolded .

  17. 要记住,阅读不应该是一件琐事。要设定一个阅读目标。

    Remember reading shouldn 't be a chore.Set a reading goal .

  18. 移民美国前,我先要处理手头上的一些琐事

    I have to tie up loose ends before immigrating to America .

  19. (对我来说,正是生活中的琐事才让单调乏味的事情变得有趣起来。)

    To me , it 's the little things in life that turn the mundane into fun .

  20. 某些新一代的男性,他们热衷于烹饪胜过做家庭琐事,他们用高超的烹饪技巧震惊了朋友及潜在的客户。

    A new generation of men who see cooking more as a hobby than a household chore , and use their cooking skills to impress friends and potential partners .

  21. 高峰期的时候,你会在任何地方目睹到公交狂躁症,人们都在为一些琐事抱怨或争吵,比如车厢太挤,或者谁的脚被踩了。

    For example : You may witness public transport rage everywhere during the rush hour , people are just complaining or arguing about trivial matters like overcrowdedness or someone ’ s foot being stepped on .

  22. “您不知道的5件事”:在本系列中发现关于Java平台您不知道的事情,本系列致力于将Java技术琐事变成有用的编程技巧。

    " 5 things you didn 't know about * ": Find out how much you don 't know about the Java platform in this series dedicated to turning Java technology trivia into useful programming tips .

  23. 虽然重说一下你的周末计划,或者是讨论一些温和的与体育相关的琐事是OK的,但是将政治带至办公场所一般而言是个馊主意(尤其是今天)。

    But while it 's OK to rehash your weekend plans or engage in some mild sports-related trash talk , bringing politics into the workplace is generally a bad idea ( especially today ) .

  24. cushiontheimpact的客户分布广泛,从美国到柬埔寨都有,专门从事国内琐事服务,例如缴纳帐单,雇用清洁工,包装礼物,预订保姆乃至购置房产等。

    With clients as far-flung as the US and Cambodia , cushion the impact specialises in domestic chores , from wading through unpaid bills , hiring cleaners , wrapping presents and booking babysitters to buying a house .

  25. 《每日镜报》(TheDailyMirror)的评论家说,“很难相信观众愿意每周花两天时间,忍受这样一部乏味的家庭琐事剧。”

    A critic for The Daily Mirror found it " hard to believe that viewers will want to put up with continuous slice-of-life domestic drudgery two evenings a week . " The show is still on the air .

  26. 提供“跑腿”的冯俊杰告诉CNN,他的半数客户来自富裕的上海商人,他们没有时间做这些琐事。

    Wealthy Shanghainese businessmen who have no time to pencil in trivial administrative tasks make up half of the clients of Feng Junjie , who was interviewed by CNN .

  27. Relate婚姻咨询服务机构的发言人说:“对于已婚夫妇而言,一旦支付账单和给孩子做早餐等家庭琐事成为每天的现实,两个人便很容易陷入‘陈规’。”

    A spokesman for the marriage counselling service-Relate said : " It 's so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children 's breakfast sets in .

  28. (为琐事)争吵,发生口角同义词:bicker我的姐妹正为看哪个电视节目争吵。

    to argue noisily about sth that is not very important My sisters were squabbling over what to watch on TV .

  29. 婚姻咨询服务机构Relate的发言人表示:“对于已婚夫妇而言,一旦支付账单和给孩子做早餐等家庭琐事成为每天面对的情况,两个人便很容易陷入‘陈规’。”

    A spokesman for the marriage counseling service ~ Relate said : " It 's so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children 's breakfast sets in . "

  30. Donaldson女士在谈到这次Paul的参观时说,本来计划是半个小时,由于朱莉安和未来的同事聊着有趣的生活琐事,这次行程就变成了一个小时的聊天。

    Ms Donaldson said the visit , which was scheduled to last half an hour , turned into an hour-long conversation as Julie-Ann entertained her colleagues with tales of life in the big time .