
  1. 那个年代的审美标准,双下颏,水桶腰。

    The standard of beautiful woman in Tang Dynasty , the double chins and bucket waist .

  2. 特别适合俗称水桶腰、将军肚、大象腿等的肥胖。

    Particularly suitable for the so-called bucket waist , General belly , fat elephant legs and so on .

  3. 缺觉会导致肥胖,所以我们习惯了他的水桶腰。

    Since sleep debt also leads to obesity , his pot belly is not a surprise to us .

  4. 全身脂肪过多,手臂肌肉松弛,大肚腩,水桶腰,大腿肥胖,蜂窝组织,小腿肥胖。

    Overall excess fat deposits , Flabby arms , Protruding tummy , Barrel waist , Fat thighs , cellulite , Big Calves .

  5. 一个巨大的保龄球一样的脑袋绝对连脖子都看不到,好像他的头颅直接粘在一个胸肌发达水桶腰的身体上。

    A giant bowling ball of a head that melted into absolutely no neck , as if his skull had been glued to a barrel-chested body .

  6. 那人停下来,放下水桶,弯着腰,把他的两只手放在那孩子的肩上,想在黑暗中看清她的脸。

    The man halted ; he set the bucket on the ground , bent down and placed both hands on the child 's shoulders , making an effort to look at her and to see her face in the dark .