
  • 网络concept of disease
  1. 通过对内稳态及有关疾病观的回顾,探讨内稳态与疾病的关系。

    This paper presents retrospect on homeostasis and concept of disease and exploration on the relationship between homeostasis and diseases .

  2. 试论古代市井题材小说的疾病观

    The Viewpoints on Diseases in Chinese Ancient Town Novel

  3. 体液论作为古代西方的一种整体医学思想,在健康观和疾病观诸多方面与中国传统医学有共通之处。

    As a theory of holistic medicine in the west in ancient period , humoralism was similar to traditional Chinese medicine in its viewpoints of health and disease .

  4. 在第一章的基础上,第二章着重分析了斋会所反映的唐后期五代宋初敦煌地区信众的生死观、疾病观等问题;

    Based on this chapter , the second studies the value system of life and death , and of diseases from the late Tang Dynasty to the early Song Dynasty at Dunhuang ;

  5. 越来越多的研究表明与ANFH有着相似环境因素的心血管疾病中,表观遗传修饰在动脉狭窄和粥样硬化病情发展过程中起着极其重要的作用。

    A growing number of studies have shown that and ANFH have similar environmental factors of cardiovascular disease , epigenetic modification in the artery stenosis and atherosclerotic disease process plays a vital role .