
  • 网络transformation from one channel to another;transmission from one channel to anlther;channel passage delay
  1. 他从未获得过经选举产生的职位。

    He had never held elective office .

  2. 布坎南从未就任过经选举产生的职位。

    Buchanan has never held elective office .

  3. 过经一段时间的免疫应答之后,免疫反馈系统便趋于平衡。显然,这种免疫反馈机理给解决工业温控系统中PID控制不能够实现在线调节和控制的问题提供了很好的思想源泉。

    The immune feedback system will tend to balance after the immune response over a period of time , it is obviously that this mechanism can solve the industrial temperature control problem which cannot solve in the PID control .

  4. 我已在最荒寒的陆地上,听到过经的歌唱,

    I 've heard it in the chillest land

  5. 不过,自那以后超大再未公布过经审计的现金头寸,也未披露过其中多少现金存放在中国大陆境外,从而可用于偿付外国债券持有人。

    However , the company has not reported its audited cash holdings since then and has not disclosed how much of the cash is held outside the Chinese mainland , where it can be used to repay foreign bondholders .

  6. 月经过多妇女经宫颈子宫内膜切除术的远期随访

    Transcervical endometrial resection in women with menorrhagia : Long-term follow-up

  7. 妈,又念您的“过日子”经了。

    Mom , there you go again reciting your " household management " mantra .

  8. 用导电球囊电极导管可以对室性心动过速进行经食管电生理检查;

    The electric balloon electrode catheter also can be used to temporary cardiac pacing .

  9. 有没有听闻过咖啡渣经加工后可变成布料的概念?

    Have you heard about the technology that coffee grounds can be transformed to fabrics ?

  10. 我读过《道德经》,我对两种哲学论述有如此之多的共同点而感到诧异。

    I have read Dao De Jing I was so startled to find so manysimilarities between these two philosophical treatises .

  11. 由于以前发生过日方未经批准就从一艘宙斯盾驱逐舰拿走一张电脑磁盘的事,伤害了美日军事关系,五角大楼对此心有余悸。

    The Pentagon was concerned given the previous unauthorised removal of a computer disk from an Aegis destroyer that hurt US-Japanese military relations .

  12. 催化剂可用稀硫酸再生,多次使用过的催化剂经再生后的催化活性与新制备的共聚物催化剂的催化活性相比几乎没有差别。

    Little difference in activity was observed between repeatedly used regenerated catalyst and fresh catalyst . The Difference There was no difference in AchE activity .

  13. 将扇贝壳粉碎、过筛,经高温(1100℃)二次灼烧,制作出活性氧化钙。

    The active calcium oxide was made from seashell by crushing , sieving and two times ' high temperature incinerating ( 1100 ℃) and so on .

  14. 5例因颞骨鳞部过厚,经颞窗探查失败,其余145例大脑中动脉、大脑前动脉、大脑后动脉的检出率分别为99%(287/290);

    They were all successful except five because of the thickening of squamous bones . The detected rates of intracranial vessel were as following : MCA 99 % ( 287 / 290 ) .

  15. 另外1例电生理检查未诱发出心动过速者经采用起搏标测,仅10导联相吻合试行消融,术后一个月再发室性心动过速。

    Other 1 electric physiology check and bring out person who happens tachycardia adopt and blow 、 fight 、 mark and examine , only 10 lead and unite trying to melt identically , the room tachycardia of recidivation of one month after the skill .

  16. 炒过的菜豆再经微波加热2min后,5种农药残留量比炒过之后又降解了21.0%~41.5%。

    After 2 min heating by microwave , the degradation rates of five pesticides in French bean which have been stir-fried were 21.0 % ~ 41.5 % .

  17. 经验是一个人处理他所遭遇过的经历。经一事,长一智。

    Experience is what a man does with what happens to him .

  18. 经专门训练的护士;被训练过的声音;经专门训练的人力;经过心理训练的工人。

    A trained nurse ; a trained voice ; trained manpower ; psychologically trained workers .

  19. 而研究结果显示相比没有浸泡过的肉类,经黑啤酒浸泡后可以将多环芳烃的生成减少一半。

    Turns out dark ale cut PAH levels in half , compared to unmarinated meat .

  20. 继发不育是指,曾有过妊娠,未经避孕而2年不再怀孕者。

    Secondary sterility is to point to , had pregnancy , birth control and2 years without no longer the pregnancy .

  21. 他对登山宝训的研究冲击了那些从未读过这样的解经的牧师。

    His Studies in the Sermon on the Mount impacted pastors who had never read anything like this kind of exposition .

  22. 生物脱胶处理过的纤维再经稀碱处理,残胶率达到1.35%,符合纺纱的工艺要求。

    The bio-degumming treated fibers through dilute alkali treatment , residual gum content reached 1.35 % , meet the requirement of the spinning process .

  23. (指炉火或壁炉)出烟过多(未经烟囱排出而进入屋内)

    ( of a fire or fireplace ) give off too much smoke ( and send it out into the room instead of up the chimney )

  24. 病媒控制在很大程度上依赖对拟除虫菊酯(用于杀虫剂)的使用,这是用于目前推荐的经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐或经长效杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐的唯一杀虫剂类别。

    Vector control is highly dependent on the use of pyrethroids , which are the only class of insecticides used on currently recommended ITNs or LLINs .

  25. 该公司的2009H1N1型疫苗采用与多年生产季节性流感疫苗相同的已经过充分证明并经批准的流程进行生产和检验。

    The company's2009 H1N1 vaccine is manufactured and tested using the same well-established licensing processes that have been in place for many years for the company 's seasonal flu vaccine .

  26. 探讨由各种原因导致严重缓慢心律失常、心跳骤停及尖端扭转型室性心动过速时,经右颈外静脉紧急床旁漂浮电极临时起搏方法的疗效。

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the curative effect of emergency bedside temporary cardiac pacing in patients with serious bradycardia or cardiac arrest or TDP ventricular tachycardia .

  27. 然后对此特大型变压器的运行情况进行了跟踪分析,列出和比较了同运行条件的处理过的和未经处理的2种变压器的运行油温、气相色谱分析和油介质损耗数据。

    And then , the tracing analysis of the running circumstances to the oversize transformer was proceeding , the data of the running oil temperature , gas chromatogram analysis , oil dissipation factor were listed and compared in the same running states .

  28. 结晶基元达到过饱和时,经体扩散在合金与石墨的界面上形核生长,沿金刚石[111]和[100]方向长大,长成立方-八面体。

    When the crystal foundation of diamond reaches oversaturation , it forms a nucleus on the boundary surface of alloy and graphite by volume spread , growing along [ 111 ] and [ 100 ] of diamond , and becomes cube-eight face shape .