
  • 网络overload test
  1. 固体火箭发动机结构可靠性评估的过载试验法

    Overload test method for the structural reliability estimation of solid rocket motors

  2. 高过载试验装置为分析和研究过载对固体火箭发动机的影响提供了必要的实验手段。

    High overload test equipment ( HOTE ) provides a test to analyze and evaluate the influence of overload on solid propellant rocket motor .

  3. 讨论了过载试验中确定过载系数上限的问题。

    The problems for determining the upper limit of overload coefficient were discussed .

  4. 波形整形器在火工品高过载试验中的应用

    Application of Pulse Shaper in Over-loading Test for Initiator

  5. 该电气系统已成功用于高过载试验装置,并取得了良好的实验效果。

    It has been successfully applied to HOTE and a good test effect has been gained .

  6. 大型花灯的固定及悬吊装置,应按灯具重量的2倍做过载试验。

    Test of installing light twice heavier than flower light should be done before installation of large flower light .

  7. 介绍新型耙装减速箱的特点及快速模拟寿命试验、密封试验、过载试验技术。

    This paper describes the characteristics , rapid simulation life test , sealing test and over-load test technology of a new model rake-loading reducer used for a scraper loader .

  8. 提出了将产品置于极严酷的环境下降低其可靠性,再用经典的方法来推断额定环境下产品可靠性的过载试验方法。

    An overload test method is presented which is used for estimating the reliability of products at normal working conditions classically based on decreasing the product reliability at severe working conditions .

  9. 本文介绍了对交流接触器按照UL认证标准,采用PLC进行过载耐久试验,提高了试验的可靠性和试验的自动化程度。

    This paper introduces the AC contactor overload endurance test with PLC according to UL authentication standard , and the reliability and automation extent are improved .

  10. 火工品动态惯性过载模拟试验及数值仿真技术研究

    Study on the Simulation and Emulation Technologies of Initiator in Dynamic Inertia Overload

  11. 船舶发电机组过载保护试验、并车试验、逆功率和逆电流保护试验;

    Overload protection , and vehicle test , reverse power and reverse current protection test for marine generator .

  12. 对电阻器进行了功率老化、高温存贮、热冲击、短时过载等可靠性试验,测量了其TCR和表面温升。

    Power aging , storage at high temperature , thermal impact and short-time overloading were carried out for the metal film resistors with the temperature coefficient and surface temperature rise of resistors measured .

  13. 研究了过载随机振动试验的实现手段。

    The means of realization for overloading random vibration test was studied .

  14. 冲击过载指示器性能试验研究

    A Study on the Performance Test of the Shock-Overload Indicator

  15. 软起动器过载能力验证试验方法的探讨

    Discussion about Test Methods of Overload Release Verification of Soft-Starter

  16. 因此开展对热过载继电器可靠性试验技术的研究具有重要意义。

    So developing the research on the reliability test technology of thermal overload relay has great signifi .

  17. 无过载排污泵正交试验研究

    Research of Latin Square Test on Non-overload Sewage Pumps

  18. 电冰箱压缩机过载保护器匹配试验研究

    Study on Matching Overload Protectors with Refrigerator Compressors

  19. 根据可靠性抽样理论,分析了过载继电器的可靠性试验方案,研制了过载继电器可靠性试验装置。

    Based on the reliability sampling theory , the reliability examine plan of overload relay was analyzed and the test device was developed .

  20. 为测试火工品及精密电子元器件在高过载作用环境下的性能,需要提供一种高过载试验装置进行高过载环境模拟。

    To evaluate the performance and reliablity of explosive and precise electronic components which are used in high overload acceleration environments , a high overload acceleration experimental device must be provided .

  21. 根据对高压限流熔断器的熔断件过载能力的要求以及影响它耐受性能因素的分析,阐明了耐受过载特性试验主回路的接线和参数选择以及控制回路的实施方案。

    Based on the overload capacity requirements for fuse-links in HV current-limiting fuses and the factors influencing the withstand characteristic of the fuse-links , the papar introduces a main circuit for the overload withstand characteristic test and its parameter selection and the implementation of its control circuit .

  22. 分析了热过载继电器的工作特点及失效模式,提出了热过载继电器的可靠性指标与其可靠性特征量的计算方法,阐述了热过载继电器的可靠性试验方法与可靠性试验设备。

    The article analyzes the operation character and the invalidation mode of thermal over-load relay and puts forward the reliability index and the calculation method of reliability characteristic . In the article , the method and the equipment of the reliability test are also introduced .