
  • 网络aerodynamic characteristic;aerodynamic
  1. 结冰后翼型、多段翼型及舵面的气动特性计算

    Aerodynamic Characteristic Computations on Iced Airfoils 、 Multi-Element Airfoil and Rudder

  2. 多段翼型低速流场与气动特性数值计算研究

    Investigations on Low Speed Flowfield and Aerodynamic Characteristic of Multi-element Airfoils

  3. 轴快流CO2激光器的气动特性研究

    Gas Dynamic Characteristics In Fast Axial Flow CO_2 Laser

  4. 不同截面机身的RCS及气动特性研究

    An approach to RCS stealth-aerodynamic characteristics of different cross section fuselages

  5. 一种低RCS无人飞行器外形的气动特性实验研究

    Experimental research on the aerodynamic characteristics of a low RCS configuration of UAV

  6. 本文对基于输出反馈RBF神经网络的大迎角非定常气动特性辨识方法进行了研究。

    The unsteady aerodynamic identification method based on RBF neural network is studied in this paper .

  7. 针对高超声速飞机复杂的气动特性以及不确定的非线性模型,提出了基于H∞最优控制理论的逆控制方法。

    To the complicated aerodynamics characteristic and uncertainty non-linear model of hypersonic vehicle , an inversion control method based on H_ ∞ optimal control method is proposed .

  8. 采用CFD的方法对这种流动及气动特性进行分析在飞行器设计中具有重要的意义。

    It is of importance in aircraft design to analyze this flow and aerodynamic characteristics by means of CFD .

  9. HTR-10一回路流道气动特性和主氦风机运行参数的研究

    Study on Pneumatic Features of Primary System and Operation Parameters of Helium Circulator for HTR-10

  10. Gurney襟翼对单段翼型动态气动特性的影响

    Effect of Gurney flaps on aerodynamical characters of single airfoil

  11. 为了研究剪刀式旋翼的气动特性,在2m直升机旋翼模型试验台上进行了试验研究。

    Experiments were conducted on a 2m helicopter model rotor test rig to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of a scissors rotor .

  12. 亚临界和超临界600MW机组高压调节阀组气动特性分析

    Analysis on Aerodynamic Performance of HP Governing Valve Groups for Subcritical and Supercritical 600 MW Units

  13. RQL新概念燃烧室气动特性的数值研究

    Numerical study on aerodynamic characteristics of RQL new concept combustor

  14. 本文借助FLUENT流体力学软件和风洞试验,对有无风障车桥系统的气动特性进行了数值和试验分析研究。

    With the help of FLUENT software and wind tunnel test , this thesis makes numerical analysis and experimental research on aerodynamic characteristics of train-bridge system when the bridge has wind barrier or not .

  15. 进气道是飞机正前方三大强散射源中RCS值最大的一个,而在进气道中采用隐身技术又涉及到对气动特性和飞行安全性的影响。

    Air intake is the RCS value among the three strong radiation sources in front of aircraft , and stealth technology adopted in air intake will have impact on aerodynamic characteristics and flight safety .

  16. 应用计算流体力学(CFD)方法对全垫升气垫船气囊内部的气动特性进行数值模拟计算,获得了气囊内的三维流场分布。

    The computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) method is employed to simulate numerically the air flow characteristics in the loop of a hovercraft , it provides the detailed distributions of the 3-D field parameters in the loop .

  17. 为了确定布撒器的气动特性,在中国空气动力研究与发展中心高速所0.6m×0.6m风洞中进行了1:7缩比模型常规测力试验。

    A series of wind tunnel tests on a 1:7 scaled model was conducted in CARDC to determine the dispenser aerodynamic characteristics .

  18. 在3m低速风洞中研究了70°后掠角三角翼过失速气动特性。

    A low speed wind tunnel study was conducted to explore the effects of large amplitude pitching motions on the aerodynamic characteristics of a delta wing with a sweptback angle of 70 ° .

  19. 翼身融合飞机(BlendedWingBodyAircraft-BWBAircraft)是一种新型高升阻比无尾布局的大型运输机,其气动特性的研究是BWB布局飞机克服众多技术难题的基础。

    Blended-Wing-Body ( BWB ) aircraft is a tailless large transport with high lift-drag ratio , and the aerodynamic study for BWB aircraft is a basis of overcoming the technology challenges about it . Firstly , research history on BWB configuration is presented in this paper ;

  20. 本文提供了改进的空间Euler方程推进方法和稳定方法,可有效地计算再入机动飞行器的流场,然而,这种数值方法计算再入飞行器的气动特性耗机时多,经费昂贵。

    A method for solving improved space marching Euler equations and a method for solving time-dependent Euler equations are presented in this paper . They are efficient in calculating flow fields for maneuvering reentry vehicles ( MaRVs ) . However , the cost for the numerical computation is expensive .

  21. 以Leishman-Beddoes模型为基础,对动态翼型气动特性分为非定常附着流、非定常分离流和动态失速三个部分进行模拟。

    Using the Leishman-Beddoes model , this paper represents three parts of flow behaviour for dynamic airfoil including attached flow , separated flow and dynamic stall .

  22. 本文计算了对称圆弧翼型和NACA65A006翼型。计算结果表明,自适应翼型比双目标优化的翼型有更好的气动特性。

    Numerical results of symmetric arc airfoil and NACA65A006 airfoil show that aerodynamic efficiency of adaptive airfoil is better than that of bi objective optimization airfoil .

  23. 然后,采用致动线程序对NREL实验风力机在切变入流下的气动特性进行研究,选取了轮毂高度风速为7m/s和10m/s两种情况。

    Then , the actuator line code is used to study the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of NREL wind turbine under wind shear inflow condition . Two hub height wind speeds of7m / s and10m / s are selected .

  24. 结果揭示两种外形有差异的模型呈现迥然不同的动态气动特性:带OMS舱的航天飞机仿真模型具有动态稳定性,而简化外形的类航天飞机模型则为动不稳定。

    The results show that these two kinds of space shuttle models with different profile have sharply different dynamic characteristics . The simplified space shuttle models ( Model A ) are all dynamically unstable and the space shuttle with OMS ( Model B ) are all dynamically stable .

  25. 在横流理论和wardlaw集中涡法的基础上,通过采用一组合适的自由参数,用半经验半理论的方法计算了无安定器航弹在大攻角情况下的气动特性。

    By choosing a group of available free integral parameters , a semiempirical theoretic method based on the crossflow theory and Wardlaw 's concentrated votex method is used to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of air bomb without fin at hige angle of attack .

  26. 滑翔增程弹气动特性分析

    The analysis of aerodynamic character on glide bullet to increase range

  27. 两车速度对超车过程轿车气动特性的影响

    Influence of velocity on aerodynamic characteristics of cars in overtaking process

  28. 本文还对自由翼在非均匀气流环境中的气动特性进行了研究。

    The influence of the non-uniform coming flow were also studied .

  29. 碟形升力体的低速气动特性研究

    Experimental Research of Low Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of Saucer-Like Lifting Body

  30. 大型捆绑式运载火箭气动特性数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Behavior of the Rocket with Four Boosters