
  • 网络coolant gas
  1. 用气体做冷却剂的核子反应堆。

    A nuclear reactor using gas as a coolant .

  2. 很多公司正在围绕新型的核裂变方法展开试验,比如使用液态燃料,或是使用不同形状的固态燃料(如砖型或卵型),以及使用盐或气体作为冷却剂与缓和剂等等。

    A host of startups are experimenting with different approaches including the use of liquid fuel , the use of solid fuel with different shapes ( such as bricks or pebbles ), and the use of alternative coolants and moderators such as salts and gases .

  3. 通过冷却压缩(气体)高压冷却剂注入系统

    To condense ( a gas ) by cooling . high pressure coolant injection system