
gū liàng
  • to measure;estimate;assess;value;appraise;grade
估量 [gū liang]
  • [grade;assess] 估计衡量

  • 这个人的逝世,对于欧美战斗着的无产阶级,对于历史科学,都是不可估量的损失。——《在马克思墓前的讲话》

估量[gū liàng]
  1. 在对于时局的估量和伴随而来的我们的行动问题上,我们党内有一部分同志还缺少正确的认识。

    Some comrades in our Party still do not know how to appraise the current situation correctly and how to settle the attendant question of what action to take .

  2. 它能够估量市场因子在各种不利情形下资产的损失大小及其可能性,使金融风险管理者能预期市场风险,并做出相应的对策。

    It can appraise the losing and possibility of total assets when the market factors change and enable the financial risks administrator to expect the market risk and make the corresponding counter measure .

  3. 我们可以在会上对竞争对手进行估量。

    We 'll be able to assess the competition at the conference .

  4. 这些发现的重要性是无法充分估量的。

    The importance of these findings cannot be overestimated .

  5. 他提供的信息价值难以估量。

    The information he provided was of inestimable value .

  6. 在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。

    It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage .

  7. 这也许会给她的健康带来难以估量的伤害。

    This might do untold damage to her health .

  8. 这给他的声誉造成了难以估量的损失。

    This has done incalculable damage to his reputation .

  9. 他给她把过脉,估量了她的血压。

    He 'd taken her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure

  10. 这给了专业人士一个无法估量的优势。

    This gives the professional an inestimable advantage .

  11. 礼貌的重要性是难以估量的。

    It 's hard to measure the importance of good manner .

  12. 我们的技术知识资源是无法估量的。

    Our resources in technical knowledge are imponderable .

  13. 这个委员会只要开几次会就可估量出这位新主席的能力,然后他们就会知道怎么对付他。

    It should only take a few meetings for the committee to take the measure of the new chairman , and then they will know how to deal with him .

  14. 然而,不能全面解决温室气体排放问题,将把我们的世世代代置于无法估量的风险之中。

    Failure   to   address   comprehensively   the   problem   of   greenhouse   gasemissions ,   however ,   exposes   all   generations ,   present   and   future ,   to   incalculable   risks .

  15. X荧光分析中吸收和增强效应的理论估量

    Theoretical Evaluation for Absorption and Enhancement Effects in XRF Analysis

  16. 类别(Category)判断的模糊集模型和多级估量法

    A fuzzy set model for category judgment and the multistage evaluation method

  17. 发展前景难以估量每立方厘米DNA上可容纳的信息要比一万亿张光盘存储的容量还要多。

    Enormous potential DNA can hold more information in a cubic centimeter than a trillion CDs .

  18. 用CE可以对既定化学成分及热处理的钢的持久强度作出估量。

    The creep rupture strength of 102 steel under the conditions of known chemical composition and given heat treatment can be estimated .

  19. 情态(modality)表示语言使用者本人对某事物认识的估量和不确定性。

    Modality can indicate the language speaker 's assessment and uncertainty towards some thing .

  20. 一个估量碳正离子相对稳定性的新指标∑E(AB)~R

    Suggesting a new index e_ ( ab ) ~ r for estimating the relative stability of carbonium ions

  21. Facebook和其他社交媒体平台对国际选举的影响是很难估量的。

    The impact of Facebook and other social media platforms on international elections is difficult to quantify .

  22. 传统的UPS旧障诊续的方式非依据己类积集的经验和数据,闭于拆备的旧障及其收铺变更入行诊续和估量。

    Traditional UPS Fault Diagnosis methods to diagnose and calculate the Diagnosis of equipments based on the accumulative experience and data .

  23. 这种方法的缺点在于银行能肆意估量他们自己的libor利率。

    The flaw in the system is that banks can estimate their own LIBOR rates .

  24. 网络计算模式对信息科学和技术的发展,甚至人类社会生活都产生了无法估量的影响,而Java技术的应用更使得网络计算模式如虎添翼。

    In this paper , we describe the function of the network computing mode on information science and technology . The emergence of Java technology enables the network computing to get huge effects and efforts .

  25. 它还提供两个对RESTAPI开发人员来说价值无法估量的特性:内置支持RESTHTTP方法,以及支持多种输出类型(比如XML和JSON)。

    It also offers two features that are invaluable for the REST API developer : built-in support for REST HTTP methods , and support for multiple output types such as XML and JSON .

  26. 估量一出莎翁(shakespeare)戏剧的价值十分困难:你可以先从票房收入算起,但这只是迈出了第一步。

    It is difficult to measure the value of a Shakespeare play : you can start with the box office receipts , but this is only the beginning of the story .

  27. 当您作为我们的用户使用CI提供的资讯和资料时,您(不包括CI及其代理商)事先应该仔细估量一下所有必要的服务和纠正成本。

    As the user of this or any information provided by CI , you ( and not CI or its agents ) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing , repair or correction .

  28. 即使你已经有了基本的创业计划,通过读MBA结识的人,对于你以后落实创业计划也具有难以估量的价值。

    Even if you already have a basic plan for your venture , the MBA allows you to network with people who will be of incredible value to that plan in the future .

  29. 马克思·冈萨雷斯是这只京巴犬的主人,他在云吞还是幼崽的时候创立了这个Instagram账号,估量着他的新宠物会变得如何受欢迎。

    His owner , Max Gonzalez , created the Instagram account when Wonton was apuppy , anticipating how popular his new pet was going to be .

  30. 然而,现有对金融风险的评估方法,特别是VaR方法缺乏对市场极端条件下金融机构或经济体之间可能存在的风险溢出效应的估量,可能会导致各金融市场风险水平被严重低估。

    However , the current assessment of financial risk , especially the method of VaR , was lack of researching of under extreme conditions which may lead to the measure of risk spillover has been seriously underestimated .