
gū suàn
  • estimate;assess;compute;reckon;rough estimate;gauge
估算 [gū suàn]
  • [rough estimate] 对事物的数量作大致推算

  • 初步估算,这场泥石流阵性流共发生168次,总量为18万多立方米。--《一次大型的泥石流》

估算[gū suàn]
  1. 我们将寄上工程估算,仅供参考。

    We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation .

  2. 历史学家无法准确估算这个日期。

    Historians can 't estimate the date with any precision .

  3. 他们的会计师估算此项工程成本为810万元。

    Their accountants have costed the project at $ 8.1 million .

  4. 损失估算为500万英镑。

    The losses were computed at £ 5 million .

  5. 你最好作一些成本估算。

    You 'd better do some costings .

  6. 据估算,去年至少47000人次失去了工作。

    It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year .

  7. 她建议你先估算一下自己的收入和开销。

    She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings .

  8. 我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。

    I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures

  9. 他根据破坏的程度估算风速。

    He estimated the speed of the winds from the degree of damage

  10. 这个数据是最初估算的5倍。

    This figure is five times the original estimate

  11. 最新估算表明工厂的人员不足达30%左右。

    A recent estimate was that factories were undermanned by about 30 per cent .

  12. 要估算出究竟多少高级职员参与了怠工是不可能的。

    It 's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown .

  13. 葆拉伸手拿过照相机,估算了一下距离和曝光时间,然后拍了两张照片。

    Paula reached for her camera , guessed distance and exposure , and shot two frames

  14. 尽力估算一下达到一个近距离目标需要多少步。

    Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object

  15. 我们将免费拟一份提案,其中包括详细的成本估算。

    We 'll put together a proposal , including detailed costings , free of charge .

  16. 我认为我们对损失作出准确的估算可能需要一段时间。

    I think it may take sometime before we can have an accurate assessment of the damage

  17. 额外聘请员工以及随之发生的食宿费用等实际估算下来为每年918万英镑。

    The actual estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual £ 9.18m .

  18. 制作节目的所有成本:人工、租用场地、灯光现在都已经估算了。

    Everything that goes into making a programme , staff , rent , lighting , is now costed .

  19. 该估算是经过仔细权衡的:社会主义者和他们的同盟并不占绝大多数。

    The arithmetic is finely balanced : the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority .

  20. 该项目所需资金将很快估算出来。

    The funds for the project will be computed soon .

  21. 估算一下你一共有多少钱,看是否已经足够了。

    Reckon up all your money and see if you have enough .

  22. 我请了三家建筑公司估算修理房屋的费用。

    I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the house .

  23. 他们对费用的估算没有把通货膨胀考虑在内。

    Their estimate of the cost takes no account of inflation .

  24. 这财产的价值被估算为100万美元。

    The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars .

  25. 联合作者艾米·扎内认为,使用者很可能囊括了从想要估算生物炭储量的气候变化研究者到寻找不同等级木材信息的林业工作者。

    Co-author   Amy   Zanne   thinks   that   users   probably   range   from   climate-change   researchers   wanting   to   estimate   how   much   carbon   is   stored   in   biomass ,   to   foresters looking   for   information   on   different   grades   of   timber .

  26. 它是通过对公司股价的估算,而不是通过对其现有的产品或是资金流来计算的。

    It is calculated by estimating the share of a company 's value that cannot be accounted for by its current products and cash flow .

  27. 据时间估算,他们认为大麦在最初抵达该地区时并非当作食物,而是用作啤酒酿制的原材料。

    Based on that timing , they indicate barley may have arrived in the region not as food , but as raw material for beer brewing .

  28. 这种估算错误是有条件的:当加上两个数字时,猴子总是注意两个数字里较大的那个,然后只加上较小数字的一小部分。

    The underestimation was systematic : When adding two numbers , the monkeys always paid attention to the larger of the two , and then added only a fraction of the smaller number to it .

  29. 那人估算了修理汽车的费用。

    The man estimated for the repair of the car .

  30. 因此,他们表示他们估算的数据实际上很可能是保守的。

    So , they say their estimate is actually likely to be conservative .